Source code for fcsArchiver


##  Transmogrifier: fcsarchiver
##  A Final Cut Server archival integration tool 
##  Written by: Beau Hunter
##  318 Inc 05/2010
##  This class provides a generic interface for integrating archival systems
##  With FCS.

import sys,getopt,os.path,shutil,subprocess
import re,datetime,time,tempfile,copy
import sqlite3
import hashlib
import socket
import ConfigParser
import smtplib
import fcsxml

from xml.dom import minidom

version = '.96beta'
build = '2011040702'

[docs]class fcsArchiver(fcsxml.FCSBaseObject): '''Our primary archive object''' supportPath = '' ## path to the support directory. archivePath = '' ## path to our archive directory useOffsitePlan = False ## (bool) value on whether to spool files ## to both an onsite and offsite archivePlan trustRestoreChecksumMismatch = False ## If a file exists on the local archive ## storage and has been requested for ## restore, if the checksum doesn't match ## our history, do we use the file? preventArchiveDuplicates = False ## If set to true, we won't archive a ## file which has already been archived ## provided the checksum matches the ## previously archived asset, we will ## instead simply remove it from disk. archiveSetName = '' ## Name of backup software selection set archiveBatchSize = '' ## Number of files per batch submission. archiveQueue = {} ## A dict of objects to archive, keyed by archiveSet restoreQueue = {} ## A dict of objects to restore, keyed by restoreSet archivePlan = '' ## PresStore ArchivePlan offsiteArchivePlan = '' ## PresStore ArchivePlan for our offsite set backupSystem = 'PresStore'## Name of the backup system nsdchatpath = '' ## Path to the nsdchat binary nsdchatUseSSL = False ## Whether we use SSL to run nsdchat on a remote host nsdchatSSLHost = '' ## Hostname or IP of the remote host nsdchatRemoteUser = '' ## Remote user of the remote host nsdchatUseSudo = False ## Bool value on whether we wrap nsdchat with a sudo call SMTPServer = '' ## Hostname or IP of our email relay SMTPPort = 25 SMTPUser = '' ## (optional) SMTP user for authenticated relay SMTPPassword = '' ## (optional) SMTP password for authenticated relay emailToNotify = '' ## Email address to use for notifications emailFromAddress = '' ## From email address configParser = '' statusMap = { 'archive' : { 'queued' : 'archiveQueued', 'submitted' : 'archiveSubmitted', 'started' : 'archiveRunning', 'pending':'archiveRunning', 'running':'archiveRunning', 'cancelled':'archiveCancelled', 'died':'archiveDied', 'archiveDied':'archiveDied', 'terminated':'archiveDied', 'completed':'archiveCompleted', 'failed':'archiveFailed', 'fatal':'fatalError' }, 'offsiteArchive' : { 'queued' : 'offsiteQueued', 'submitted' : 'offsiteSubmitted', 'started' : 'offsiteRunning', 'pending':'offsiteRunning', 'running':'offsiteRunning', 'cancelled':'offsiteCancelled', 'died':'offsiteDied', 'archiveDied':'offsiteDied', 'terminated':'offsiteDied', 'completed':'offsiteCompleted', 'failed':'offsiteFailed', 'fatal':'fatalError' }, 'restore' : { 'queued' : 'restoreQueued', 'submitted':'restoreSubmitted', 'pending':'restoreRunning', 'running':'restoreRunning', 'started':'restoreRunning', 'cancelled':'restoreCancelled', 'died':'restoreDied', 'archiveDied':'restoreDied', 'terminated':'restoreDied', 'completed':'restoreCompleted', 'failed':'restoreFailed', 'fatal':'fatalError' } } def __init__(self): '''Initialize members''' self.supportPath = '' self.archiveSetName = 'SELECTION_%s' %'%Y-%m-%d:%H%M') self.archiveBatchSize = 100 self.archivePath = '' self.archiveQueue = {} self.restoreQueue = {} self.configParser = '' self.backupSystemName = 'PresStore' self.nsdchatpath = '/usr/local/aw/bin/nsdchat' self.nsdchatSSLHost = '' self.nsdchatRemoteUser = '' self.archivePlan = '10001' self.offsiteArchivePlan = '10001' self.useOffsitePlan = False self.trustRestoreChecksumMismatch = False self.preventArchiveDuplicates = False self.SMTPServer = '' self.SMTPPort = 25 self.SMTPUser = '' self.SMTPPassword = '' self.emailToNotify = '' self.debug = False self.printLogs = True
[docs] def loadConfiguration(self,parser='',filePath=''): '''Load from configuration file, expects a ConfigParser type object. If you subclass, you should call this function.''' if parser and not isinstance(parser,ConfigParser.ConfigParser): msg = 'loadConfiguration() Not passed a valid ConfigParser Object!' self.logger(msg, 'error') raise RuntimeError(msg) elif not parser: if not filePath: filePath = '/usr/local/etc/fcsArchiver.conf' parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() ## Store our parser object self.configParser = parser try: self.configParser = parser self.debug = parser.getboolean('GLOBAL','debug') try: self.supportPath = parser.get('GLOBAL','supportPath') except: pass try: self.archivePath = parser.get('GLOBAL','archivePath') except: pass try: self.useOffsitePlan = parser.getboolean('BACKUP','useOffsitePlan') except: pass try: self.archivePlan = parser.get('BACKUP','archivePlan') except: pass try: self.offsiteArchivePlan = parser.get('BACKUP','offsiteArchivePlan') except: pass try: self.backupSystem = parser.get('BACKUP','backupSystem') except: pass try: self.nsdchatpath = parser.get('BACKUP','nsdchatpath') except: pass try: self.trustRestoreChecksumMismatch = parser.getboolean('BACKUP','trustRestoreChecksumMismatch') except: pass try: self.preventArchiveDuplicates = parser.getboolean('BACKUP','preventArchiveDuplicates') except: pass try: self.nsdchatUseSSL = parser.getboolean('BACKUP','nsdchatUseSSL') if self.nsdchatUseSSL: try: self.nsdchatSSLHost = parser.get('BACKUP','remoteSSLHost') self.nsdchatRemoteUser = parser.get('BACKUP','remoteSSLUserName') except: self.logger('Error loading configuration, nsdchatUseSSL is enabled but remoteSSLHost or remoteSSLUserName is not defined!','error') raise RuntimeError('Error loading configuration, nsdchatUseSSL is enabled but remoteSSLHost or remoteSSLUserName is not defined!') except: pass try: self.SMTPServer = parser.get('NOTIFICATIONS','SMTPServer') self.emailToNotify = parser.get('NOTIFICATIONS','emailToNotify') self.emailFromAddress = parser.get('NOTIFICATIONS','emailFromAddress') except: pass try: self.SMTPPort = parser.get('NOTIFICATIONS','SMTPPort') except: pass try: SMTPUser = parser.get('NOTIFICATIONS','SMTPUser') SMTPPassword = parser.get('NOTIFICATIONS','SMTPPassword') if SMTPUser and SMTPPassword: self.SMTPUser = SMTPUser self.SMTPPassword = SMTPPassword except: pass except Exception,msg: self.logger('An error occured loading configuration:%s' % msg,'error') raise
[docs] def connectToSQL(self): '''Open a connection to sqlite db and save the connection at self.sqlConn''' sqlConn = '' if not self.supportPath: self.logger('Support path not set, using PWD: %s!' % os.getcwd(),'warning') dbPath = os.path.join(self.supportPath,'backupHistory.db') self.logger('connectToSQL() using DBPath:%s' % dbPath,'debug') if dbPath and not os.path.exists(dbPath): if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dbPath)): self.logger('Creating SQL database at path:\'%s\'' % dbPath,'detailed') try: sqlConn = sqlite3.connect(dbPath) sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() myCursor.execute('CREATE TABLE archiveHistory(fcsID,' 'filePath,checksum,barcode,tapeSet,archiveSet,jobID,completionDate,status)') myCursor.execute('CREATE TABLE archiveQueue(fcsID,filePath,checksum,' 'archiveSet,tapeSet,jobID,jobSubmitDate,retryCount,status)') myCursor.execute('CREATE TABLE restoreQueue(fcsID,filePath,' 'archiveSet,tapeSet,barcode,jobID,jobSubmitDate,retryCount,status)') sqlConn.commit() myCursor.close() except Exception,err: self.logger('An error occured creating sqlite db at path: %s' ' Error:%s' % (dbPath,err),'error') raise else: try: sqlConn = sqlite3.connect(dbPath) sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row except Exception, err: self.logger('An error occured opening sqlitedb at: %s Error:%s' % (dbPath,err)) raise return sqlConn ############# ## archiveQueue methods
[docs] def archiveFilesFromQueue(self): '''Submit loaded objects in our Queue for archive''' if not len(self.archiveQueue) > 0: raise FCSArchiveEmptyQueueError self.logger('Submitting files in Archive Queue.') ## Get our path to nsdchat nsdchatCMD = self.nsdchatCMD() archivePlan = self.archivePlan ## Get our archiveQueue archiveQueue = self.archiveQueue ## Fetch our archive sets with status 'archiveQueued' archiveSets = self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='archiveQueued') if self.useOffsitePlan: self.logger('archiveFilesFromQueue() looking for offsite queues','debug') archiveSets.update(self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='offsiteQueued')) else: self.logger('archiveFilesFromQueue() we are not using an offsite queue!','debug') ## If we have no found archive sets, abort. if len(archiveSets) == 0: self.logger('Found no files to archive.') return False ## Set up some vars for reporting numSetsSubmitted = 0 numFilesSubmitted = 0 numFileErrors = 0 setSubmissionErrors = {} fileSubmissionErrors = {} ## Iterate through our archive sets and create appropriate PresStorePlans for setName,set in archiveSets.iteritems(): ## Submit a new PresStore job for the set. self.logger('Committing set \'%s\' for archive to tapeset \'%s\'. Set ' 'contains %s files.' % (setName,set.getTapeSet(),len(set.archiveObjects))) self.logOffset +=1 jobID = self.nsdchatSubmitArchiveJobForArchiveSet(archiveSet=set) self.logOffset -=1 if not jobID: msg = 'An error occurred submitting set:%s to PresStore' % setName self.logger(msg,'error') setSubmissionErrors[setName] = set continue numSetsSubmitted += 1 numFileErrors += len(set.errorObjects) numFilesSubmitted += (len(set.archiveObjects) - len(set.errorObjects)) ## Update the status for our archive queue set.setArchiveSetForArchiveObjects( set.setStatusForArchiveObjects(status='archiveSubmitted') set.setJobIDForArchiveObjects(jobID=jobID) ## Commit our archiveObjects to FCS and SQL self.commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet(set) ## Done iterating through sets. ## Report how we did self.logger('Finished processing archiveQueue. Successfully submitted %s files accross %s set(s)' % (numFilesSubmitted,numSetsSubmitted)) ## If we have errors report failings if not len(setSubmissionErrors) == 0 or not len(fileSubmissionErrors) == 0: self.logger('Failed to submit %s sets and %s files!' % (len(setSubmissionErrors),numFileErrors),'error') return False return True
[docs] def createArchiveQueueFromFile(self,queueFile=''): '''Reads file from path queueFile, which should be a line delimited list of file paths. We check the filePath against loaded values in our SQL archiveQueue table, merging where appropriate. We also check against our archiveHistory table to ensure that the asset hasn't already been archived. ''' if not queueFile: queueFile = os.path.join(self.supportPath,'filesToArchive') if not os.path.exists(queueFile): self.logger('The archive queue is empty, file:\'%s\' does not exist!' % queueFile,'debug') return False ## Build our current queuelist failedFilePaths = [] ## Create a random directory, move our queue file into it. randomDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/tmp',prefix='fcsArchive_') shutil.move(queueFile,randomDir) queueFile = os.path.join(randomDir,'filesToArchive') myFileH = open(queueFile,'r') filePaths = [] for filePath in myFileH: filePath = filePath.rstrip('\r\n') filePaths.append(filePath) ## Close and remove the file myFileH.close() try: shutil.rmtree(randomDir) except: pass for filePath in filePaths: self.logger("Found new file: '%s'" % filePath) self.logOffset += 1 try: archiveObject = self.createArchiveObjectFromFilePath(filePath) self.addToArchiveQueue(archiveObject) except fcsxml.FCSEntityNotFoundError, err: self.logger('%s, skipping!' % eval(err.__str__()),'error') except Exception,err: failedFilePaths.append(filePath) self.logger('Failed adding file at path:\'%s\' Error: %s' % (filePath,err),'error') raise self.logOffset -= 1 continue #raise FCSArchiveFileSubmitError('Failed adding file at path:%s' % filePath) self.logOffset -= 1 if len(filePaths) == 0: return False else: return True
[docs] def addToArchiveQueue(self,archiveObject): '''Adds the specified archiveObject to the archive queue. We retrieve FCS data via fcsxml.FCSVRClient calls. For XML based workflows, utilize addFileFromXMLPath''' self.logger('addToArchiveQueue() Hit! for file: %s' % archiveObject.filePath,'debug') self.logger('Adding file to archive queue.','detailed') self.logger('Searching archive history for previous activity.') ## Init our SQL handlers try: sqlConn = self.connectToSQL() sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() except: self.logger('An error occured connecting to SQL database.') return False filePath = archiveObject.filePath ## Search for an existing record with the same filepath, if it has a ## different checksum or fcsID, update it. Set status to 'archiveQueued' args = (filePath,) myCursor.execute('SELECT * FROM archiveQueue WHERE filePath = ?', args) isDuplicate = False onsiteDuplicate = False offsiteDuplicate = False isConflict = True alreadyArchived = False row = myCursor.fetchone() if row: ## If we are Python 2.5, convert our row to a dict versionInfo = sys.version_info if versionInfo[0] == 2 and versionInfo[1] == 5: myRow = self.createDictFromSQLRow(row,table='archiveQueue') else: myRow = row if (myRow['checksum'] != archiveObject.checksum or myRow['fcsID'] != archiveObject.fcsID): self.logger("Conflicting Filepath:'%s' exists in archiveQueue but has conflicting information, updating!" % filePath) else: isDuplicate = True self.logger("Filepath:'%s' exists in archiveQueue!" % filePath) ## Note: If the filepath isn't already queued up, check the archiveHistory to ## ensure that it hasn't already been archived. myCursor.execute("SELECT * FROM archiveHistory WHERE filePath = ? and (status = 'archiveCompleted' or status = 'offsiteCompleted')", args) for row in myCursor: ## If we are Python 2.5, convert our row to a dict versionInfo = sys.version_info if versionInfo[0] == 2 and versionInfo[1] == 5: myRow = self.createDictFromSQLRow(row,table='archiveQueue') else: myRow = row if (myRow["checksum"] and myRow["checksum"] == archiveObject.checksum and myRow["fcsID"] == archiveObject.fcsID): if myRow['tapeSet'] == 'onsite': ## If our history reports a previous onsite backup, verify through ## PresStore that the filepath has in fact been backed up. try: onsiteBarcode = self.barcodeForArchiveObject(archiveObject=archiveObject,tapeSet='onsite') if onsiteBarcode: if self.preventArchiveDuplicates: self.logger("An identical version of file '%s' has already been" " archived to %s tapeset, skipping." % (os.path.basename(filePath),myRow['tapeSet'])) else: self.logger("An identical version of file '%s' has already been" " archived to the %s tapeset, but preventArchiveDuplicates is set" " to False, re-archiving!" % filePath) onsiteDuplicate = True else: self.logger("Archive history reports an identical version of " " file '%s' has already been archived to the %s tapeset," " however a tape barcode could not be provided by %s, so we are " " resubmitting." % (os.path.basename(filePath),myRow['tapeSet'] ,self.backupSystem),'warning') except: self.logger('File: "%s" has not been cataloged in %s index, though our history indicates that it has!' % (filePath,myRow['tapeSet']),'error') if myRow['tapeSet'] == 'offsite' and self.useOffsitePlan: ## If our history reports a previous onsite backup, verify through ## PresStore that the filepath has in fact been backed up. try: offsiteBarcode = self.barcodeForArchiveObject(archiveObject=archiveObject,tapeSet='offsite') if offsiteBarcode: offsiteDuplicate = True if self.preventArchiveDuplicates: self.logger("An identical version of file '%s' has already been" " archived to %s tapeset, skipping." % (os.path.basename(filePath),myRow['tapeSet'])) else: self.logger("An identical version of file '%s' has already been " "archived to the %s tapeset, but preventArchiveDuplicates is set " "to False, re-archiving!" % filePath) onsiteDuplicate = True else: self.logger("Archive history reports an identical version of " " file '%s' has already been archived to the %s tapeset," " however a tape barcode could not be provided by %s, so we are " " resubmitting." % (os.path.basename(filePath),myRow['tapeSet'] ,self.backupSystem),'warning') except: self.logger('File: "%s" has not been cataloged in %s index, though our history indicates that it has!' % (filePath,myRow['tapeSet']),'error') else: pass ## If we detected an onsite backup, but not an offsite, change status to offsite if self.useOffsitePlan: if onsiteDuplicate and not offsiteDuplicate: archiveObject.setTapeSet('offsite') archiveObject.status = 'offsiteQueued' isDuplicate = False if onsiteDuplicate and offsiteDuplicate: isDuplicate = True alreadyArchived = True elif onsiteDuplicate: isDuplicate = True alreadyArchived = True ## If we're here and haven't detected a duplicate, add the file to the ## Queue. if ((alreadyArchived and not self.preventArchiveDuplicates) or (not isDuplicate and not alreadyArchived)): ## If no status has been set, change it to archiveQueued if not archiveObject.status: archiveObject.status = 'archiveQueued' if archiveObject.isLoaded: sqlVars = (archiveObject.fcsID, archiveObject.filePath, archiveObject.checksum, archiveObject.tapeSet, archiveObject.retryCount, archiveObject.status, ) self.logger("Adding filePath:'%s' to archiveQueue" % filePath) myCursor.execute("INSERT INTO archiveQueue (fcsID,filePath,checksum,tapeSet,retryCount,status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", sqlVars) elif not archiveObject.isLoaded and archiveObject.filePath: sqlVars = (archiveObject.fcsID, archiveObject.filePath, archiveObject.checksum, archiveObject.tapeSet, archiveObject.retryCount, archiveObject.status, ) self.logger("Failed to load FCSObject for filePath:'%s', submitting to archiveQueue" % filePath) myCursor.execute("INSERT INTO archiveQueue (fcsID,filePath,checksum,tapeSet,retryCount,status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", sqlVars) commitResult = sqlConn.commit() ## Set our archiveSetName archiveSetName = self.archiveSetName ## Fetch our current archiveSet if not archiveSetName in self.archiveQueue: myArchiveSet = archiveSet(name=archiveSetName,type='archive',jobID=archiveSet.jobID) if self.debug: archiveSet.debug = True self.archiveQueue[archiveSetName] = myArchiveSet else: ## If the archive set already exists, make sure it doesn't have more ## files then our archiveBatchSize specifies, if so, create a new ## archive set. myArchiveSet = self.archiveQueue[archiveSetName] currentSetCount = 1 archiveSetBaseName = archiveSetName while len(myArchiveSet.archiveObjects) >= self.archiveBatchSize: newArchiveSetName = '%s.batch%03d' % (archiveSetBaseName,currentSetCount) self.logger('addToArchiveQueue() Archive set: %s contains %s, which ' 'is our preferred batch size, checking batch: %s' % (archiveSetName,len(myArchiveSet.archiveObjects),newArchiveSetName),'debug') archiveSetName = newArchiveSetName if not archiveSetName in self.archiveQueue: myArchiveSet = archiveSet(name=archiveSetName,type='archive',jobID=archiveSet.jobID) if self.debug: myArchiveSet.debug = True self.archiveQueue[archiveSetName] = myArchiveSet currentSetCount += 1 ## Append our archive object to our current set. myArchiveSet.archiveObjects.append(archiveObject) elif isDuplicate: if alreadyArchived and self.preventArchiveDuplicates: archiveObject.statusMessage = 'File has already been archived, removing ' 'from local archive storage!' ## Here if the file has already been archived. If this is the case, ## Remove the file from the filesystem. if os.path.exists(archiveObject.filePath): self.logger('File at path:%s has already been archived, removing from ' 'local archive storage!' % archiveObject.filePath) os.remove(archiveObject.filePath) if self.useOffsitePlan: archiveObject.status = 'offsiteCompleted' else: archiveObject.status = 'onsiteCompleted' elif alreadyArchived: self.logger('File at path: %s has already been archived, but will not ' ' be removed from disk.' % archiveObject.filePath,'error') else: ## Here if file is already in the queue but hasn't been archived. self.logger('File at path:%s already exists in archive queue, skipping' % archiveObject.filePath) return False return True
[docs] def loadArchiveQueue(self): '''Function which reads our sqlite database and generates archiveSet objects for queued files''' ## Load our SQL connection sqlConn = self.connectToSQL() sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() archiveQueue = {} ## Query for all entries in our archiveQueue sqlQuery = 'SELECT rowid,* FROM archiveQueue' self.logger('loadArchiveQueue() executing with query: %s'%sqlQuery,'debug') myCursor.execute(sqlQuery) isDuplicate = False isConflict = True myResults = myCursor.fetchall() for row in myResults: ## If we are Python 2.5, convert our row to a dict versionInfo = sys.version_info if versionInfo[0] == 2 and versionInfo[1] == 5: myRow = self.createDictFromSQLRow(row,table='archiveQueue') else: myRow = row ##self.logger('loadArchiveQueue() result row keys:%s rowID:%s' % (myRow.keys(),myRow['rowid']),'debug') ## Get our archiveSetName archiveSetName = myRow['archiveSet'] if not archiveSetName: archiveSetName = self.archiveSetName archiveSetJobID = myRow['jobID'] ## Fetch our current archiveSet if not archiveSetName in archiveQueue: myArchiveSet = archiveSet(name=archiveSetName,type='archive',jobID=archiveSetJobID) if self.debug: myArchiveSet.debug = True archiveQueue[archiveSetName] = myArchiveSet else: ## If the archive set already exists, make sure it doesn't have more ## files then our archiveBatchSize specifies, if so, create a new ## archive set. myArchiveSet = archiveQueue[archiveSetName] ''' currentSetCount = 1 archiveSetBaseName = archiveSetName while len(myArchiveSet.archiveObjects) >= self.archiveBatchSize: newArchiveSetName = '%s.batch%03d' % (archiveSetBaseName,currentSetCount) self.logger('loadArchiveQueue() Archive set: %s contains %s files, ' 'which is our preferred batch size, checking batch: %s' % (archiveSetName,len(myArchiveSet.archiveObjects),newArchiveSetName),'debug') archiveSetName = newArchiveSetName if not archiveSetName in self.archiveQueue: myArchiveSet = archiveSet(name=archiveSetName,type='archive',jobID=archiveSet.jobID) if self.debug: myArchiveSet.debug = True self.archiveQueue[archiveSetName] = myArchiveSet else: myArchiveSet = self.archiveQueue[archiveSetName] currentSetCount += 1 ''' ## Create our archive object from our SQL result and append it to our current set myArchiveObject = archiveObject(action='archive') myArchiveObject.loadFromSQLResult(myRow) self.logger('loadArchiveQueue() Adding file to archive batch: %s. Current file count: %s of %s' % (archiveSetName,len(myArchiveSet.archiveObjects),self.archiveBatchSize),'debug') myArchiveSet.archiveObjects.append(myArchiveObject) ## self.archiveQueue.update(archiveQueue) self.archiveQueue = archiveQueue return
[docs] def commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet(self,archiveSet): '''Commits each archiveObject in the provided archiveSet both to the SQL DB as well as FCS''' self.logger('Updating files from set: %s in FCS and Archive DataBase' % self.logger('commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet() committing record for objects in archiveSet:%s' % archiveSet,'debug') ## Iterate through each object for archiveObject in archiveSet.archiveObjects: ## If the object doesn't show an error, set our archiveSet. if not archiveObject.isError: archiveObject.archiveSetName = archiveObject.submitDate = else: self.logger('commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet() archiveObject with fcsID:%s' ' reports an error: %s' % (archiveObject.fcsID,archiveObject.statusMessage)) self.commitArchiveObject(archiveObject) try: self.commitArchiveObjectToFCS(archiveObject) except Exception,excp: self.logger('An error occured commiting FCS Asset with ID: %s, ERROR: %s' % archiveObject.fcsID,excp,'error') return True
[docs] def commitArchiveObject(self,archiveObject): '''Commits the passed archiveObject to our archiveQueue''' ## Connect to SQL sqlConn = self.connectToSQL() sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() if archiveObject.action == 'archive' or archiveObject.action == 'offsiteArchive': self.logger('commitArchiveObject() committing record with id:%s' % archiveObject.recordID,'debug') dbValues = (archiveObject.fcsID, archiveObject.filePath, archiveObject.checksum, archiveObject.archiveSetName, archiveObject.jobID, archiveObject.tapeSet, archiveObject.submitDate, archiveObject.status, archiveObject.retryCount, archiveObject.recordID, ) ## Execute our SQL Query myCursor.execute('UPDATE archiveQueue set fcsID = ?,filePath = ?,' 'checksum = ?,archiveSet = ?,jobID = ?,tapeSet = ?, jobSubmitDate = ?,status = ?,' 'retryCount = ? WHERE rowid = ?', dbValues) elif archiveObject.action == 'restore': self.logger('commitArchiveObject() committing record with id:%s' % archiveObject.recordID,'debug') dbValues = (archiveObject.fcsID, archiveObject.filePath, archiveObject.archiveSetName, archiveObject.tapeSet, archiveObject.barcode, archiveObject.jobID, archiveObject.submitDate, archiveObject.retryCount, archiveObject.status, archiveObject.recordID, ) ## Execute our SQL Query myCursor.execute('UPDATE restoreQueue set fcsID = ?,filePath = ?,' 'archiveSet = ?,tapeSet = ?,barcode = ?,jobID = ?,jobSubmitDate = ?,' 'retryCount = ?,status = ? WHERE rowid = ?', dbValues) commitResult = sqlConn.commit() return True
[docs] def commitArchiveObjectToFCS(self,archiveObject): '''Reports archive object to FCS''' ## Get our FCS ID fcsID = archiveObject.fcsID ## Create our fcsxml.FCSVRClient object and load our config if not archiveObject.fcsObject: try: archiveObject.loadFCSObject() except: self.logger("Could not commit file: %s to FCS, object could not be" " loaded!" % archiveObject.filePath,'error') return False fcsObj = archiveObject.fcsObject ## Get our tapeset tapeSet = archiveObject.tapeSet ## Get our barcode, if set, report it to FCS barcode = archiveObject.barcode if barcode: if tapeSet == 'offsite': barcodeField = fcsxml.FCSXMLField(name='Tape Barcode - Offsite',value=barcode) else: barcodeField = fcsxml.FCSXMLField(name='Tape Barcode',value=barcode) fcsObj.appendField(barcodeField) ## Declare our statusMap, which is a dictionary mapping FCSArchiver statuses ## to FCS statuses. statusMap = { 'archiveQueued' : {'fcsState' : 'ondisk', 'statusMessage' : 'Asset has been queued for archive.' }, 'restoreQueued' : {'fcsState' : 'ontape', 'statusMessage' : 'Asset is queued for restore. %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage }, 'offsiteQueued' : {'fcsState' : 'ondiskandtape', 'statusMessage' : 'Asset has been queued for offsite archive.' }, 'archiveSubmitted' : {'fcsState' : 'ondisk', 'statusMessage' : 'Asset has been submitted to %s for archive.' % self.backupSystem }, 'offsiteSubmitted' : {'fcsState' : 'ondiskandtape', 'statusMessage' : 'Asset has been submitted ' ' to %s for offsite archive.' % self.backupSystem }, 'restoreSubmitted' : {'fcsState' : 'ontape', 'statusMessage' : ('Asset has been submitted ' 'to %s for restore using tape: %s.' % (self.backupSystem,archiveObject.barcode)) }, 'archiveRunning' : {'fcsState' : 'ondisk', 'statusMessage' : '%s reports that the archive is in progress.' % self.backupSystem }, 'offsiteRunning' : {'fcsState' : 'ondiskandtape', 'statusMessage' : '%s reports that the offsite archive is in progress.' % self.backupSystem }, 'restoreRunning' : {'fcsState' : 'ontape', 'statusMessage' : '%s reports that the restore is in progress.' % self.backupSystem }, 'archiveDied' : {'fcsState' : 'ondisk', 'statusMessage' : 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage }, 'offsiteDied' : {'fcsState' : 'ondiskandtape', 'statusMessage' : 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage }, 'restoreDied' : {'fcsState' : 'ontape', 'statusMessage' : 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage }, 'archiveFailed' : {'fcsState' : 'ondisk', 'statusMessage' : 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage }, 'offsiteFailed' : {'fcsState' : 'ondiskandtape', 'statusMessage' : 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage }, 'restoreFailed' : {'fcsState' : 'ontape', 'statusMessage' : 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage }, 'archiveCancelled' : {'fcsState' : 'ondisk', 'statusMessage' : 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage }, 'offsiteCancelled' : {'fcsState' : 'ondiskandtape', 'statusMessage' : 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage }, 'restoreCancelled' : {'fcsState' : 'ontape', 'statusMessage' : 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage }, 'archiveCompleted' : {'fcsState' : 'ontape', 'statusMessage' : 'Asset successfully archived to tape: %s!' % archiveObject.barcode }, 'offsiteCompleted' : {'fcsState' : 'ontapeandoffsite', 'statusMessage' : ('Asset successfully archived to offsite tape: %s! Asset will' ' be removed from disk by %s!' % (archiveObject.barcode,self.backupSystem)) }, 'restoreCompleted' : {'fcsState' : 'ondisk', 'statusMessage' : 'Asset successfully restored to disk.' }, } ## Get our state from our status and statusMap status = archiveObject.status fcsState = statusMap[status]['fcsState'] fcsMessage = statusMap[status]['statusMessage'] ## Little bit of logic if status == 'archiveCompleted': if self.useOffsitePlan: fcsMessage += ' Starting offsite archive...' else: fcsMessage += ' Asset will be removed from disk by %s!' % self.backupSystem elif status == 'restoreCompleted': if archiveObject.statusMessage: fcsMessage += " " + archiveObject.statusMessage ## Add our state field stateField = fcsxml.FCSXMLField(name='Archive State',value=fcsState) fcsObj.appendField(stateField) ## Append our message fcsObj.appendValueForField('Archive History',value=fcsMessage,useTimestamp=True) fcsObj.setMD() ## If the status is 'restoreCompleted', tell the restore object to restore ## in FCS. This will ensure that the asset is properly restored even if the ## actual restore from tape takes too long and the FCS restore job times out. if status == 'restoreCompleted' and archiveObject.didRestore: self.logger('Restoring asset in Final Cut Server') try: fcsObj.restore() except fcsxml.FCSDuplicateError, ex: self.logger('Restore action failed, asset is already online.','detailed') except Exception, ex: self.logger('An error occurred restoring the asset! Error: %s:%s' % (ex.__class__.__name__,ex),'error') return ''' OLD CODE ## Get our status, and determine our state based on it status = archiveObject.status if archiveObject.status == 'archiveQueued': fcsState = 'queuedforarchive' fcsMessage = 'Asset has been queued for archive.' elif archiveObject.status == 'offsiteQueued': fcsState = 'queuedforoffsite' fcsMessage = 'Asset has been queued for offsite archive.' elif archiveObject.status == 'archiveSubmitted': fcsState = 'queuedforarchive' fcsMessage = 'Asset has been submitted to %s.' % self.backupSystem elif archiveObject.status == 'offsiteSubmitted': fcsState = 'queuedforoffsite' fcsMessage = 'Asset has been queued for offsite archive.' elif archiveObject.status == 'archiveRunning': fcsState = 'archiveinprogress' fcsMessage = 'Archive in progress.' elif archiveObject.status == 'offsiteRunning': fcsState = 'offsiteinprogress' fcsMessage = 'Offsite Archive in progress.' elif archiveObject.status == 'archiveDied': fcsState = 'ondisk' fcsMessage = 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage elif archiveObject.status == 'offsiteDied': fcsState = 'ondiskandtape' fcsMessage = 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage elif archiveObject.status == 'archiveFailed': fcsState = 'ondisk' fcsMessage = 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage elif archiveObject.status == 'offsiteFailed': fcsState = 'ondiskandtape' fcsMessage = 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage elif archiveObject.status == 'archiveCancelled': fcsState = 'ondisk' fcsMessage = 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage elif archiveObject.status == 'offsiteCancelled': fcsState = 'ondiskandtape' fcsMessage = 'Error: %s' % archiveObject.statusMessage elif archiveObject.status == 'archiveCompleted': fcsState = 'ontape' fcsMessage = 'Asset successfully archived!' if self.useOffsitePlan: fcsMessage += ' Starting offsite archive...' elif archiveObject.status == 'offsiteCompleted': fcsState = 'ontapeandoffsite' fcsMessage = ('Asset successfully archived to offsite tape set! Asset will' ' be removed from disk by %s!' % self.backupSystem) '''
[docs] def commitArchiveObjectToArchiveHistory(self,archiveObject): '''Commits an archive object to our archiveHistory SQL table''' self.logger('commitArchiveObjectToArchiveHistory() committing record ' ' with path:%s' % archiveObject.filePath,'debug') if archiveObject.action == 'restore': completionDate = archiveObject.restoreDate else: completionDate = archiveObject.archiveDate ## Build our values array dbValues = (archiveObject.fcsID, archiveObject.filePath, archiveObject.checksum, archiveObject.barcode, archiveObject.tapeSet, archiveObject.archiveSetName, archiveObject.jobID, completionDate, archiveObject.status, ) ## Connect to SQL sqlConn = self.connectToSQL() sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row ## Perform our commit myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() myCursor.execute('INSERT INTO archiveHistory (fcsID,filePath,checksum,' 'barcode,tapeSet,archiveSet,jobID,completionDate,status) ' 'VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',dbValues) commitResult = sqlConn.commit() return
[docs] def removeArchiveObjectFromArchiveQueue(self,archiveObject): '''Removes an archive object from the archiveQueue SQL table''' ## Connect to SQL sqlConn = self.connectToSQL() sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() if archiveObject.recordID: self.logger('removeArchiveObjectFromArchiveQueue() removing record with ' ' id:%s tapeSet:%s' % (archiveObject.recordID,archiveObject.tapeSet),'debug') dbValues = (archiveObject.recordID,archiveObject.tapeSet) myCursor.execute('DELETE FROM archiveQueue WHERE rowid = ? AND tapeSet = ?', dbValues) elif archiveObject.filePath: self.logger('removeArchiveObjectFromArchiveQueue() removing record with' ' filePath:%s tapeSet:%s' % (archiveObject.recordID,archiveObject.tapeSet),'debug') dbValues = (archiveObject.filePath,archiveObject.tapeSet) myCursor.execute('DELETE FROM archiveQueue WHERE filePath = ? AND tapeSet = ?', dbValues) ## Execute our SQL Query commitResult = sqlConn.commit() return
[docs] def removeArchiveObjectFromRestoreQueue(self,restoreObject): '''Removes an archive object from the archiveQueue SQL table''' ## Connect to SQL sqlConn = self.connectToSQL() sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() if restoreObject.recordID: self.logger('removeRestoreObjectFromRestoreQueue() removing record with ' ' id:%s' % (restoreObject.recordID),'debug') dbValues = (restoreObject.recordID,) myCursor.execute('DELETE FROM restoreQueue WHERE rowid = ?', dbValues) elif restoreObject.filePath: self.logger('removeArchiveObjectFromRestoreQueue() removing record with' ' filePath:%s' % (restoreObject.filePath),'debug') dbValues = (restoreObject.filePath,) myCursor.execute('DELETE FROM restoreQueue WHERE filePath = ?', dbValues) ## Execute our SQL Query commitResult = sqlConn.commit() return
[docs] def changeStatusForArchiveSet(self,status,archiveSet = ''): '''Changes the status for all archive objects loaded in the provided, can be provided a string name for the set, or the archiveSet object itself''' ## Connect to SQL sqlConn = self.connectToSQL() sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() ## submit our SQL UPDATE Query myCursor.execute("UPDATE archiveQueue set status = ? " "WHERE archiveSet = ?", (u"%s" % status,u"%s" % archiveSet)) commitResult = self.sqlConn.commit() return
[docs] def setJobIDForArchiveSet(self,jobID,archiveSet = ''): '''Changes the jobID for all archive objects in the SQL queue, can be provided a string name for the set, or the archiveSet object itself''' ## Connect to SQL sqlConn = self.connectToSQL() sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() ## submit our SQL UPDATE Query myCursor.execute("UPDATE archiveQueue set jobID = ? " "WHERE archiveSet = ?", (u"%s" % jobID,u"%s" % archiveSet)) commitResult = sqlConn.commit() return
[docs] def archiveSetsWithStatus(self,status): '''Method which returns a dictionary, keyed by the selection set name, which match the provided status, if a set contains multiple objects with different status, we will return a set only with objects matching the provided status''' matchedSets = {} for setName,set in self.archiveQueue.iteritems(): self.logger('archiveSetsWithStatus() Checking set: %s for objects with status: %s' % (setName,status),'debug') modifiedSet = copy.copy(set) modifiedSet.archiveObjects = [] for theArchiveObject in set.archiveObjects: ##self.logger('archiveSetsWithStatus() Checking entry: %s with status: %s' ## % (theArchiveObject.fcsID,archiveObject.status),'debug') if theArchiveObject.status == status: ##self.logger('archiveSetsWithStatus() Found matching entry: %s with status: %s' ## % (archiveObject.fcsID,archiveObject.status),'debug') modifiedSet.archiveObjects.append(theArchiveObject) else: ##self.logger('archiveSetsWithStatus() Found non-matching entry: %s with status: %s, removing from results!' ## % (theArchiveObject.fcsID,theArchiveObject.status),'debug') pass if len(modifiedSet.archiveObjects) > 0: self.logger('archiveSetsWithStatus() Set %s contains %s objects with status: %s' % (setName,len(modifiedSet.archiveObjects),status),'debug') matchedSets[setName] = modifiedSet self.logger('archiveSetsWithStatus() found %s matching sets with status: %s' % (len(matchedSets),status),'debug') return matchedSets
[docs] def performArchiveStatusCheck(self): '''Depricated: use processArchiveQueue()''' return self.processArchiveQueue()
[docs] def processArchiveQueue(self): '''Method which checks on the status of submitted archive jobs. Jobs with a status of 'archiveSubmitted' or 'archiveRunning' are checked with nsdchat, jobs with a status of 'archiveFailed','archiveDied', or 'archiveCancelled' are resubmitted.''' self.logger('processArchiveQueue() Processing archive Queue','debug') ## Load our archive queue ##self.loadArchiveQueue() ## Build a dictionary of archiveSets with 'archiveSubmitted' or 'archiveRunning' status myArchiveSets = self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='archiveSubmitted') myArchiveSets.update(self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='archiveRunning')) myArchiveSets.update(self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='offsiteSubmitted')) myArchiveSets.update(self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='offsiteRunning')) ## Build a dictionary of archiveSets with 'archiveFailed' status myFailedArchiveSets = self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='archiveFailed') myFailedArchiveSets.update(self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='archiveDied')) myFailedArchiveSets.update(self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='archiveCancelled')) myFailedArchiveSets.update(self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='offsiteFailed')) myFailedArchiveSets.update(self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='offsiteDied')) myFailedArchiveSets.update(self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='offsiteCancelled')) ## Process our submitted and running archiveSets self.logger('Found %s running archive jobs.' % len(myArchiveSets)) self.logOffset += 1 if len(myArchiveSets) > 0: for setName,set in myArchiveSets.iteritems(): jobID = set.getJobID() self.logger('Checking set:\'%s\' jobID:\'%s\'. Current status:\'%s\'' % (setName,jobID,set.getStatus())) if jobID: self.logger('Checking %s for new status.' % self.backupSystem,'detailed') newStatus = self.nsdchatStatusForJobID(jobID=jobID) ## If our new status matches our old status, continue the loop if not newStatus in self.statusMap[set.type]: self.logger('Recieved unknown status:\'%s\' from ' ' PresStore for set:\'%s\'. Cannot continue!' % (newStatus,setName),'error') continue if set.getStatus() == self.statusMap[set.type][newStatus]: self.logger('Status: \'%s\' did not change ' 'for jobID: \'%s\'' % (self.statusMap[set.type][newStatus],jobID),'detailed') continue else: self.logger('Found new status: %s' % (newStatus),'detailed') if newStatus == 'failed': set.wasError(error='Job failed! Will Retry.',status='archiveFailed') elif newStatus == 'cancelled': set.wasError(error='Job was cancelled by operator! Will Retry.',status='archiveCancelled') elif newStatus == 'died': set.wasError(error='Submitted job has died unexpectedly! Will Retry.',status='archiveDied') else: set.setStatusForArchiveObjects(status=newStatus) else: set.wasError(error='Submitted job lost it\'s jobID! Will Retry.',status='archiveDied') ## Don't report if our new status is 'completed' if not newStatus == 'completed': self.commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet(archiveSet=set) self.logOffset -= 1 ## Process our failed archiveSets if len(myFailedArchiveSets) > 0: self.logger('Found %s failed archive jobs.' % len(myFailedArchiveSets),'warning') self.logOffset += 1 for setName,set in myFailedArchiveSets.iteritems(): retryCount = set.getRetryCount() ## flag an error if our retry count exceeds 5 ## Todo: add email notification if retryCount > 0 and retryCount < 5: self.logger('Found selection set: %s, this selection set has failed ' ' %s times!' % (setName,retryCount),'warning') set.clearErrorsForArchiveObjects() if set.getTapeSet() == 'offsite': set.setStatusForArchiveObjects(status='offsiteQueued') else: set.setStatusForArchiveObjects(status='archiveQueued') ## Trigger an archive for our queued sets if len(myFailedArchiveSets) > 0: self.logger('Resubmitting failed archive jobs.') self.archiveFilesFromQueue() self.logOffset -= 1 ## Fetch our completed sets completeDate = myCompletedArchiveSets = self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='archiveCompleted') myCompletedArchiveSets.update(self.archiveSetsWithStatus(status='offsiteCompleted')) if len(myCompletedArchiveSets) > 0: self.logger('Cleaning up completed archive sets','detailed') self.logOffset += 1 for setName,set in myCompletedArchiveSets.iteritems(): ## For each object in the set, lookup and set the tape barcode label for theArchiveObject in set.archiveObjects: try: barcode = self.barcodeForArchiveObject(theArchiveObject) theArchiveObject.barcode = barcode theArchiveObject.archiveDate = completeDate ## Submit the archive object for inclusion into our archiveHistory table self.commitArchiveObjectToArchiveHistory(theArchiveObject) except FCSArchiveFileNotFoundInIndex: message = ("An error occured cleaning up file: \'%s\' %s reports" " that the file could not be found in the %s index!" % (theArchiveObject.filePath,self.backupSystem,theArchiveObject.tapeSet)) self.logger(error=message,status='error') theArchiveObject.wasError(error=message,status='error') self.commitArchiveObject(theArchiveObject) set.errorObjects.append(archiveObject) continue except Exception, exp: message = ("An error occured cleaning up file: \'%s\' %s reports an" " unknown error cleaning up the file. Error: %s" % (theArchiveObject.filePath,self.backupSystem,exp)) theArchiveObject.wasError(error=message,status='error') self.commitArchiveObject(theArchiveObject) set.errorObjects.append(theArchiveObject) continue ## Report to FCS try: self.commitArchiveObjectToFCS(theArchiveObject) except Exception,excp: self.logger('An error occured commiting FCS Asset with ID: %s, ERROR: %s' % archiveObject.fcsID,excp,'error') ## If the tapeSet is onsite, and we are set to generate offsite archives ## Change the object status to 'archiveQueued' and tapeset to 'offsite' if theArchiveObject.tapeSet == 'onsite' and self.useOffsitePlan: theArchiveObject.setTapeSet('offsite') theArchiveObject.setStatus('offsiteQueued') self.commitArchiveObject(theArchiveObject) else: ## Clear the archive object out of our archive queue self.removeArchiveObjectFromArchiveQueue(theArchiveObject) self.logOffset -= 1 ############# ## RestoreQueue methods
[docs] def restoreFilesFromQueue(self): '''Submit loaded objects in our Queue for restore''' if not len(self.restoreQueue) > 0: raise FCSArchiveEmptyQueueError() self.logger('Restoring files in queue.') ## Get our path to nsdchat nsdchatCMD = self.nsdchatCMD() ## Get our archive plan info archivePlan = self.archivePlan offsiteArchivePlan = self.offsiteArchivePlan useOffsitePlan = self.useOffsitePlan ## Get our restoreQueue restoreQueue = self.restoreQueue restoreSetName = self.archiveSetName ## Fetch our restore sets with status 'restoreQueued' restoreSets = {} restoreSets = self.restoreSetsWithStatus(status='restoreQueued') ## create 3 restore sets for onsite(online) offsite(online) and offline assets onsiteRestoreSet = archiveSet(type='restore') ## archiveSet for assets with online tapes offsiteRestoreSet = archiveSet(type='restore') ## archiveSet for assets with online tapes from the offsite set offlineRestoreSet = archiveSet(type='restore') ## archiveSet of assets with offline tapes onlineTapes = [] offlineOnsiteTapes = [] offlineOffsiteTapes = [] onsiteOnline = False offsiteOnline = False onsiteBarcode = '' offsiteBarcode = '' ## Set up some vars for reporting numSetsSubmitted = 0 numFilesSubmitted = 0 setFilesSubmitted = 0 numFilesAlreadyRestored = 0 ## counter numFileErrors = 0 setSubmissionErrors = {} fileSubmissionErrors = {} ## Iterate through our restore sets and create appropriate PresStorePlans, ## Populate our onsite,offsite, and offline restore sets. for setName,set in restoreSets.iteritems(): setFilesSubmitted = 0 self.logger('Committing set \'%s\' for restore.' % setName) self.logOffset += 1 ## Iterate through each restoreObject, check to see if ## they are online for restore for restoreObject in set.archiveObjects: self.logger('Processing file: %s' % restoreObject.filePath,'debug') ## Check to see if the file is already on disk, if so, mark as completed assetOnline = self.verifyOnlineAssetForArchiveObject(restoreObject) if assetOnline: restoreObject.wasError('File is online','restoreCompleted') restoreObject.didRestore = False restoreObject.archiveSetName = 'ondisk' numFilesAlreadyRestored += 1 self.commitArchiveObject(restoreObject) continue ## Fetch our onsite label and see if it's online self.logger('Checking %s for tape barcode for file: \'%s\',' ' tapeset: \'onsite\'' % (self.backupSystem,os.path.basename(restoreObject.filePath))) try: onsiteLabel = self.nsdchatVolumeLabelForFilePath(filePath=restoreObject.filePath,tapeSet='onsite') except FCSArchiveFileNotFoundInIndex: self.logger('Could not find label for path: %s' % restoreObject.filePath,'error') onsiteOnline = False if onsiteLabel: onsiteBarcode = self.nsdchatBarcodeForVolumeLabel(label=onsiteLabel) if not onsiteBarcode: onsiteBarcode = self.predictVolumeBarcodeForLabel(label=onsiteLabel) onsiteOnline = self.nsdchatIsVolumeOnline(label=onsiteLabel) else: self.logger('Could not find label for path: %s' % restoreObject.filePath,'error') onsiteOnline = False if onsiteOnline: if not onsiteBarcode in onlineTapes: onlineTapes.append(onsiteBarcode) restoreObject.label = onsiteLabel restoreObject.barcode = onsiteBarcode onsiteRestoreSet.archiveObjects.append(restoreObject) else: ## If we are set to use an offsite plan and the onsite isn't online ## then check for offsite tapes in the library. if self.useOffsitePlan: self.logger('Checking %s for tape barcode for file: \'%s\',' ' tapeset: \'offsite\'' % (self.backupSystem,os.path.basename(restoreObject.filePath))) try: offsiteLabel = self.nsdchatVolumeLabelForFilePath(filePath=restoreObject.filePath,tapeSet='offsite') if offsiteLabel: offsiteBarcode = self.nsdchatBarcodeForVolumeLabel(label=offsiteLabel) if not offsiteBarcode: offsiteBarcode = self.predictVolumeBarcodeForLabel(label=offsiteLabel) offsiteOnline = self.nsdchatIsVolumeOnline(label=offsiteLabel) else: self.logger('Could not find offsite label for path: %s' % restoreObject.filePath,'error') offsiteOnline = False if offsiteOnline: restoreObject.setTapeSet('offsite') restoreObject.label = offsiteLabel restoreObject.barcode = offsiteBarcode if not offsiteBarcode in onlineTapes: onlineTapes.append(offsiteBarcode) offsiteRestoreSet.archiveObjects.append(restoreObject) except FCSArchiveFileNotFoundInIndex: self.logger(' - File does not exist in the offsite tapeSet index!','error') ## IF both onsite and offsite tapes are offline, append our lists if not onsiteOnline and not offsiteOnline: if onsiteBarcode and offsiteBarcode: message = 'Asset could not be submitted for restore... Tapes: %s,%s for file: %s is offline, file will remain queued!' % (onsiteBarcode,offsiteBarcode,restoreObject.filePath) restoreObject.statusMessage += message self.logger(message) elif onsiteBarcode and not offsiteBarcode: message = 'Asset could not be submitted for restore... Tape: %s for file: %s is offline, file will remain queued!' % (onsiteBarcode,restoreObject.filePath) restoreObject.statusMessage += message self.logger(message) elif offsiteBarcode and not onsiteBarcode: message = 'Asset could not be submitted for restore... Tape: %s for file: %s is offline, file will remain queued!' % (offsiteBarcode,restoreObject.filePath) restoreObject.statusMessage += message self.logger(message) else: message = 'Asset could not be submitted for restore... Could not find record for file: %s in archive database!' % (restoreObject.filePath) restoreObject.wasError(error=message,status='archiveFailed') self.logger(message,'error') offlineRestoreSet.archiveObjects.append(restoreObject) if not onsiteBarcode in offlineOnsiteTapes: self.logger('Adding tape: %s to offline onsite tape list' % onsiteBarcode,'debug') offlineOnsiteTapes.append(onsiteBarcode) if self.useOffsitePlan: if not offsiteBarcode in offlineOffsiteTapes: self.logger('Adding tape: %s to offline offsite tape list' % offsiteBarcode,'debug') offlineOffsiteTapes.append(offsiteBarcode) self.logOffset -= 1 ## At this point we have collated sets ready for restore: onsiteRestoreSet ## and offsiteRestoreSet. A third set, offlineRestoreSet represents ## filesystem objects which are not available in the library. ## Build a list of applicable restore sets restoreSetList = [] if len(onsiteRestoreSet.archiveObjects) > 0:'RESTORE_%s' % self.archiveSetName onsiteRestoreSet.setTapeSetForArchiveObjects(tapeSet='onsite') restoreSetList.append(onsiteRestoreSet) if len(offsiteRestoreSet.archiveObjects) > 0:'RESTORE_OFFSITE_%s' % self.archiveSetName offsiteRestoreSet.setTapeSetForArchiveObjects(tapeSet='offsite') restoreSetList.append(offsiteRestoreSet) for set in restoreSetList: try: self.logger("Submitting restore set: %s" % self.logOffset += 1 jobID = self.nsdchatSubmitRestoreJobForRestoreSet(restoreSet=set,tapeSet='onsite') self.logOffset -= 1 numSetsSubmitted +=1 numFileErrors += len(set.errorObjects) numFilesSubmitted += (len(set.archiveObjects) - len(set.errorObjects)) ## Update the status for our archive queue set.setArchiveSetForArchiveObjects( set.setStatusForArchiveObjects(status='restoreSubmitted') set.setJobIDForArchiveObjects(jobID=jobID) except: self.logger('An error occurred submitting restore set:%s' % setSubmissionErrors['onsite'] = onsiteRestoreSet raise ## Commit our archiveObjects to FCS and SQL self.commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet(set) ## Report how we did self.logger('Finished processing restoreQueue. Submitted %s files accross %s set(s)' % (numFilesSubmitted,numSetsSubmitted)) if numFilesAlreadyRestored > 0: self.logger(' - %s files were already on disk and did not need to be restored.' % (numFilesAlreadyRestored)) numOfflineFiles = len(offlineRestoreSet.archiveObjects) if numOfflineFiles > 0: self.logger('Found %s offline files, sending offline media report to %s!' % (numOfflineFiles,self.emailToNotify)) emailSubject = 'Offline Media Report: %s offline files are queued for restore!' % (numOfflineFiles) emailBody = 'The following tapes from the onsite tape set need to be loaded into the library:' emailBody += "\n\t" + "\n\t".join(offlineOnsiteTapes) if self.useOffsitePlan and len(offlineOffsiteTapes) > 0: emailBody += "\n\nAlternatively, the following tapes from the offsite set can be loaded into the library:" emailBody += "\n\t" + "\n\t".join(offlineOffsiteTapes) ## Get our active tapes inUseTapes = self.barcodeListForActiveRestoreJobs() if len(inUseTapes) > 0: emailBody += ("\n\nThe following tapes are currently in use by queued or" " running restore jobs and should remain in the library:") emailBody += "\n\t" + "\n\t".join(inUseTapes) ## Send email self.logger('Sending offline volume email notification!') self.sendEmail(body=emailBody,subject=emailSubject) ##offlineRestoreSet.wasError('Asset could not be submitted for restore: required tape is offline!') self.commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet(offlineRestoreSet) #print "EMAILSUBJECT:%s" % emailSubject #print "EMAILBODY:\n%s" % emailBody ## If we have errors report failings if not len(setSubmissionErrors) == 0 or not numFileErrors == 0: self.logger('Failed to submit %s sets and %s files!' % (len(setSubmissionErrors),numFileErrors),'error') return False return True
[docs] def createRestoreQueueFromFile(self,queueFile=''): '''Reads file from path queueFile, which should be a line delimited list of file paths. We check the filePath against loaded values in our SQL restoreQueue table, merging where appropriate. ''' if not queueFile: queueFile = os.path.join(self.supportPath,'filesToRestore') if not os.path.exists(queueFile): self.logger("The restore queue is empty, file:'%s' does not exist!" % queueFile,'debug') return False ## Build our current queuelist failedFilePaths = [] ## Create a random directory, move our queue file into it. randomDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/tmp',prefix='fcsRestore_') shutil.move(queueFile,randomDir) queueFile = os.path.join(randomDir,'filesToRestore') myFileH = open(queueFile,"r") filePaths = [] for filePath in myFileH: filePath = filePath.rstrip('\r\n') filePaths.append(filePath) ## Close and remove the file myFileH.close() try: shutil.rmtree(randomDir) except: pass for filePath in filePaths: try: restoreObject = self.createRestoreObjectFromFilePath(filePath) self.addToRestoreQueue(restoreObject) except: failedFilePaths.append(filePath) self.logger("Failed adding file at path:%s" % (filePath),"error") raise ## Remove the file myFileH.close() try: os.remove(queueFile) except: pass if len(filePaths) == 0: return False else: return True
[docs] def addToRestoreQueue(self,restoreObject): '''Adds the specified restoreObject to the restore queue.''' ## Fetch our SQL handlers sqlConn = self.connectToSQL() sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() filePath = restoreObject.filePath ## Check to see if filepath is already queued. ## Search for an existing record with the same filepath args = (filePath,) myCursor.execute("SELECT * FROM restoreQueue WHERE filePath = ?", args) isDuplicate = False isConflict = True row = myCursor.fetchone() if row: self.logger("Filepath:'%s' already exists in restoreQueue!" % filePath,'error') isDuplicate = True ## If we're here and have detected a duplicate, abort if isDuplicate: return False ## Search for an existing record with the same filepath, if it has a ## different checksum or fcsID, update it. args = (filePath,) myCursor.execute("SELECT * FROM archiveHistory WHERE filePath = ? and tapeSet = 'onsite' ORDER BY completionDate LIMIT 1", args) histRecord = myCursor.fetchone() ## If we are Python 2.5, convert our row to a dict versionInfo = sys.version_info if versionInfo[0] == 2 and versionInfo[1] == 5 and histRecord: histRecord = self.createDictFromSQLRow(histRecord,table='archiveHistory') ## If file exists at the archive path or at the asset's online path, ## check the checksum to see if it's has an appropriate checksum. If ## checksum is the same, skip the file, otherwise continue on. onDisk = False if histRecord and 'checksum' in histRecord: onDisk = self.verifyOnlineAssetForArchiveObject(restoreObject,checksum=histRecord['checksum']) else: onDisk = self.verifyOnlineAssetForArchiveObject(restoreObject) ## If we have found the file to exist on disk in an acceptable form, ## mark it as restoreCompleted if onDisk: restoreObject.archiveSet = 'ondisk' restoreObject.status = 'restoreCompleted' restoreObject.barcode = 'archiveDisk' else: restoreObject.archiveSet = '' restoreObject.status = 'restoreQueued' ## If we're here we haven't detected a duplicate, add the file to the ## Queue. sqlVars = (restoreObject.fcsID, restoreObject.filePath, restoreObject.archiveSet, restoreObject.barcode, restoreObject.retryCount, restoreObject.status, ) self.logger("Adding filePath:'%s' to restoreQueue" % filePath) myCursor.execute("INSERT INTO restoreQueue (fcsID,filePath,archiveSet,barcode,retryCount,status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", sqlVars) commitResult = sqlConn.commit() ## Add to our local restoreQueue restoreSetName = self.archiveSetName if not restoreSetName in self.restoreQueue: newRestoreSet = archiveSet(name=restoreSetName,type='restore') if self.debug: newRestoreSet.debug = True self.restoreQueue[restoreSetName] = newRestoreSet self.restoreQueue[restoreSetName].archiveObjects.append(restoreObject)
[docs] def loadRestoreQueue(self): '''Function which reads our sqlite database and generates archiveSet objects for queued files''' ## Load our SQL connection sqlConn = self.connectToSQL() sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() restoreQueue = {} ## Query for all entries in our archiveQueue sqlQuery = 'SELECT rowid,* FROM restoreQueue' self.logger('loadRestoreQueue() executing with query: %s' % sqlQuery,'debug') myCursor.execute(sqlQuery) isDuplicate = False isConflict = True myResults = myCursor.fetchall() for row in myResults: ## If we are Python 2.5, convert our row to a dict versionInfo = sys.version_info if versionInfo[0] == 2 and versionInfo[1] == 5: myRow = self.createDictFromSQLRow(row,table='restoreQueue') else: myRow = row ##self.logger('loadRestoreQueue() result row keys:%s rowID:%s' % (myRow.keys(),myRow['rowid']),'debug') restoreSetName = myRow['archiveSet'] if not restoreSetName: restoreSetName = self.archiveSetName restoreSetJobID = myRow['jobID'] if not restoreSetName in restoreQueue: newRestoreSet = archiveSet(name=restoreSetName,type='restore',jobID=restoreSetJobID) if self.debug: newRestoreSet.debug = True restoreQueue[restoreSetName] = newRestoreSet myRestoreSet = restoreQueue[restoreSetName] myRestoreObject = archiveObject(action='restore') myRestoreObject.loadFromSQLResult(myRow) restoreQueue[restoreSetName].archiveObjects.append(myRestoreObject) ##self.restoreQueue.update(restoreQueue) self.restoreQueue = restoreQueue return
[docs] def restoreSetsWithStatus(self,status): '''Method which returns a dictionary, keyed by the selection set name, which match the provided status''' matchedSets = {} for setName,set in self.restoreQueue.iteritems(): if set.getStatus() == status: matchedSets[setName] = set return matchedSets
[docs] def performRestoreStatusCheck(self): '''Depricated: use processArchiveQueue()''' return self.processRestoreQueue()
[docs] def processRestoreQueue(self): '''Method which checks on the status of submitted archive jobs. Jobs with a status of 'archiveSubmitted' or 'archiveRunning' are checked with nsdchat, jobs with a status of 'archiveFailed','archiveDied', or 'archiveCancelled' are resubmitted.''' ## Build a dictionary of archiveSets with 'restoreSubmitted' or 'restoreRunning' status myRestoreSets = self.restoreSetsWithStatus(status='restoreSubmitted') myRestoreSets.update(self.restoreSetsWithStatus(status='restoreRunning')) ## Build a dictionary of archiveSets with 'archiveFailed' status myFailedRestoreSets = self.restoreSetsWithStatus(status='restoreFailed') myFailedRestoreSets.update(self.restoreSetsWithStatus(status='restoreDied')) myFailedRestoreSets.update(self.restoreSetsWithStatus(status='restoreCancelled')) ## Process our submitted and running archiveSets self.logger('Found %s running restore jobs.' % len(myRestoreSets)) if len(myRestoreSets) > 0: newStatus = '' for setName,set in myRestoreSets.iteritems(): jobID = set.getJobID() self.logger('performRestoreStatusCheck() processing set:%s jobID:%s with status:%s' % (setName,jobID,set.getStatus()),'debug') if jobID: newStatus = self.nsdchatStatusForJobID(jobID=jobID) ## If our new status matches our old status, continue the loop if not newStatus in self.statusMap[set.type]: self.logger('ERROR: Found unexpected status:%s, skipping set:%s' % (newStatus,setName),'error') continue if set.getStatus() == self.statusMap[set.type][newStatus]: self.logger('performRestoreStatusCheck() status:%s did not change for set:%s' % (set.getStatus(),setName),'debug') continue else: self.logger('Found new status: %s' % (newStatus),'debug') if newStatus == 'failed': set.wasError(error='Job failed! Will Retry.',status='restoreFailed') elif newStatus == 'cancelled': set.wasError(error='Job was cancelled by operator! Will Retry.',status='restoreCancelled') elif newStatus == 'died': set.wasError(error='Submitted job has died unexpectedly! Will Retry.',status='restoreDied') else: set.setStatusForArchiveObjects(status=newStatus) else: set.wasError(error='Submitted job lost it\'s jobID! Will Retry.',status='restoreDied') newStatus = 'restoreDied' ## Don't report if our new status is 'completed' if not newStatus == 'completed': self.commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet(archiveSet=set) ## Process our failed archiveSets if len(myFailedRestoreSets) > 0: for setName,set in myFailedRestoreSets.iteritems(): retryCount = set.getRetryCount() ## flag an error if our retry count exceeds 5 ## Todo: add email notification if retryCount < 5: self.logger('This selection set has failed %s times!' % retryCount,'error') set.clearErrorsForArchiveObjects() set.setStatusForArchiveObjects(status='restoreQueued') ## Trigger an archive for our queued sets if len(myFailedRestoreSets) > 0: self.restoreFilesFromQueue() ## Fetch our completed sets completeDate = myCompletedRestoreSets = self.restoreSetsWithStatus(status='restoreCompleted') if len(myCompletedRestoreSets) > 0: self.logger('Found %s completed restore sets!' % len(myCompletedRestoreSets)) if len(myCompletedRestoreSets) > 0: for setName,set in myCompletedRestoreSets.iteritems(): ## For each item, submit for inclusion into our archiveHistory table for theRestoreObject in set.archiveObjects: ## Make sure the asset has the appropriate status if not theRestoreObject.status == 'restoreCompleted': continue message = 'Restore completed for asset with id:%s' % theRestoreObject.fcsID if theRestoreObject.barcode: message += ' using tape: %s' % theRestoreObject.barcode self.logger(message) if not theRestoreObject.statusMessage: theRestoreObject.statusMessage = message theRestoreObject.restoreDate = completeDate theRestoreObject.didRestore = True ## Submit the archive object for inclusion into our archiveHistory table self.commitArchiveObjectToArchiveHistory(theRestoreObject) ## Report to FCS try: self.commitArchiveObjectToFCS(theRestoreObject) except Exception,excp: self.logger('An error occured commiting FCS Asset with ID: %s, ERROR: %s' % archiveObject.fcsID,excp,'error') ## Clear the archive object out of our archive queue self.removeArchiveObjectFromRestoreQueue(theRestoreObject)
[docs] def setStatusForRestoreSet(self,status,restoreSet = ''): '''Changes the status for all archive objects loaded in this restore set''' ## Connect to SQL sqlConn = self.connectToSQL() sqlConn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row myCursor = sqlConn.cursor() ## Fetch our archiveSet if not archiveSet: archiveSet = self.archiveSet ## submit our SQL UPDATE Query myCursor.execute("UPDATE restoreQueue set status = ? " "WHERE restoreSet = ?", (u"%s" % status,u"%s" % restoreSet)) commitResult = self.sqlConn.commit()
[docs] def createArchiveObjectFromFilePath(self,filePath): '''Returns an archiveObject loaded from provided filepath. We utilize fcsvr_client to fetch FCS data''' newArchiveObject = archiveObject() newArchiveObject.archiveSetName = self.archiveSetName newArchiveObject.archivePath = self.archivePath if self.debug: newArchiveObject.debug = True newArchiveObject.loadForFileAtPath(filePath) return newArchiveObject
[docs] def createRestoreObjectFromFilePath(self,filePath): '''Returns an archiveObject loaded from provided filepath. We utilize fcsvr_client to fetch FCS data''' self.logger('createRestoreObjectFromFilePath() hit for file path: %s' % filePath,'debug') newRestoreObject = archiveObject(action='restore') newRestoreObject.archiveSetName = self.archiveSetName newRestoreObject.archivePath = self.archivePath if self.debug: newRestoreObject.debug = True newRestoreObject.loadForFileAtPath(filePath) return newRestoreObject
[docs] def verifyOnlineAssetForArchiveObject(self,archiveObject,checksum=''): '''Verifies whether an archiveObject's asset is online, either in an archived state or in it's original location.''' ## If file exists at the archive path or at the asset's online path, ## check the checksum to see if it's has an appropriate checksum. If ## checksum is the same, skip the file, otherwise continue on. onDisk = False self.logger('Checking to see if asset: %s is online' % archiveObject.filePath,'detailed') ## Get our archive and online paths, check to see if a file exists ## at either location. todo: this should really just query the FCS record ## for Archive Status rather than look at online path (online path breakes ## with network devices). archivePath = archiveObject.filePath onlinePath = archiveObject.onlinePath if not onlinePath: if not archiveObject.fcsObject: archiveObject.loadFCSObject() myFCSVRClient = archiveObject.fcsObject if self.configParser: myFCSVRClient.loadConfiguration(self.configParser) onlinePath = myFCSVRClient.getFSPathFromArchivePath(archivePath) archiveObject.onlinePath = onlinePath ## If a file exists in our archive or online paths, then analyze it for use. if os.path.exists(archivePath) or os.path.exists(onlinePath): if not 'checksum': self.logger('File: %s already exists on disk archive, no previous archive' ' history could be found, using on-disk verison!' % archivePath) onDisk = True elif checksum == archiveObject.checksum: if os.path.exists(archivePath): self.logger('File: %s already exists on disk archive with the appropriate' ' checksum, skipping restore from tape!' % archivePath) onDisk = True elif os.path.exists(onlinePath): self.logger('File: %s already exists in online location with the appropriate' ' checksum, skipping restore from tape!' % onlinePath) onDisk = True else: ## If a file exists at the location, but does not match our recorded ## Checksum, do we use it? if self.trustRestoreChecksumMismatch: self.logger('File: %s already exists on disk archive with an inappropriate' ' checksum, using anyway: skipping restore from tape!' % archivePath) onDisk = True else: self.logger('File: %s already exists on disk archive with an inappropriate' ' checksum, %s will determine behavior.' % (archivePath,self.backupSystem)) ##shutil.move(filePath,"%s_saved" % archivePath) if onDisk: self.logger(' - Asset: %s is online!' % archiveObject.filePath,'debug') else: self.logger(' - Asset: %s is offline!' % archiveObject.filePath,'debug') return onDisk
[docs] def barcodeListForActiveRestoreJobs(self): '''Returns a list of barcode numbers in use by active jobs (submitted and running)''' tapeList = [] ## Get our appropriate restoreSets restoreSets = self.restoreSetsWithStatus(status='restoreSubmitted') restoreSets.update(self.restoreSetsWithStatus(status='restoreRunning')) ##self.logger('loadRestoreQueue() result row keys:%s rowID:%s' % (row.keys(),row['rowid']),'debug') for setName,set in restoreSets.iteritems(): for archiveObject in set.archiveObjects: if archiveObject.status == 'restoreSubmitted' or archiveObject.status == 'restoreRunning': barcode = archiveObject.barcode if not barcode in tapeList: tapeList.append(barcode) self.logger('barcodeListForActiveRestoreJobs() Found %s tapes in use by active restore jobs.' % len(tapeList),'debug') return tapeList
[docs] def barcodeForArchiveObject(self,archiveObject,tapeSet=''): '''Returns the barcode corresponding to the tape the file for the provided archiveObject''' ## Get our relevant variables filePath = archiveObject.filePath ## If we were not passed a tapeSet explicitely, query the archiveObject if not tapeSet: tapeSet = archiveObject.tapeSet ## Fetch our PresStore label self.logger('Checking %s for tape barcode for file: \'%s\',' ' tapeset: \'onsite\'' % (self.backupSystem,os.path.basename(archiveObject.filePath)),'detailed') volumeLabel = self.nsdchatVolumeLabelForFilePath(filePath=filePath,tapeSet=tapeSet) if volumeLabel: ## Fetch our barcode from the label barcode = self.nsdchatBarcodeForVolumeLabel(label=volumeLabel) return barcode else: return False
[docs] def volumeLabelForArchiveObject(self,archiveObject,tapeSet=''): '''Returns the barcode corresponding to the tape the file for the provided archiveObject.''' ## Get our relevant variables filePath = archiveObject.filePath ## If we were not passed a tapeSet explicitely, query the archiveObject if not tapeSet: tapeSet = archiveObject.tapeSet ## Fetch our PresStore label if self.backupSystem == 'PresStore': volumeLabel = self.nsdchatVolumeLabelForFilePath(filePath=filePath,tapeSet=tapeSet) else: raise FCSArchiverUnknownBackupSystem() return volumeLabel
[docs] def volumeIsOnlineForRestoreObject(self,restoreObject,tapeSet=''): '''Returns true or false based on whether the tape for the provided restoreObject is online. If no tapeSet is specified, we will return true whether an offsite or onsite disk is available, and we will update the tapeSet on the restoreObject accordingly''' ## Get our relevant variables filePath = restoreObject.filePath offsiteOnline = False onsiteOnline = False if not tapeSet or tapeSet == 'onsite': ## Fetch our PresStore label from our onsite tapeset onsiteLabel = self.nsdchatVolumeLabelForFilePath(filePath=filePath,tapeSet='onsite') onsiteOnline = nsdchatIsVolumeOnline(onsiteLabel) if self.useOffsitePlan and (not tapeSet or tapeSet == 'offsite'): ## Fetch our PresStore label from our onsite tapeset offsiteLabel = self.nsdchatVolumeLabelForFilePath(filePath=filePath,tapeSet='offsite') offsiteOnline = nsdchatIsVolumeOnline(offsiteLabel) if onsiteOnline: restoreObject.setTapeSet('onsite') restoreObject.label = onsiteLabel return True elif offsiteOnline: restoreObject.setTapeSet('offsite') restoreObject.label = offsiteLabel return True return False
[docs] def createDictFromSQLRow(self,row,table='archiveQueue'): '''This function creates an associative dictionary from an SQL results row, necessary for Python versions previous to 2.6 that do not support sqlite3.Row.keys(). Accepts optional parameter table, which is used to specify the table that we are creating the result set for.''' keyArray = [] resultsDict = {} if table == 'archiveQueue': if len(row) == 10: keyArray = ['rowid','fcsID','filePath','checksum','archiveSet','tapeSet', 'jobID','jobSubmitDate','retryCount','status'] elif len(row) == 9: keyArray = ['fcsID','filePath','checksum','archiveSet','tapeSet', 'jobID','jobSubmitDate','retryCount','status'] else: raise RuntimeError('createDictFromSQLRow() Recieved incorrect item count' ' for table:%s expected 9 or 10, recieved:%s' %(table,len(row))); elif table == 'restoreQueue': if len(row) == 10: keyArray = ['rowid','fcsID','filePath','archiveSet','tapeSet','barcode', 'jobID','jobSubmitDate','retryCount','status'] elif len(row) == 9: keyArray = ['fcsID','filePath','archiveSet','tapeSet','barcode', 'jobID','jobSubmitDate','retryCount','status'] else: raise RuntimeError('createDictFromSQLRow() Recieved incorrect item count' ' for table:%s expected 9 or 10, recieved:%s' %(table,len(row))); elif table == 'archiveHistory': if len(row) == 10: keyArray = ['rowid','fcsID','filePath','checksum','barcode','tapeSet', 'archiveSet','jobID','completionDate','status'] elif len(row) == 9: keyArray = ['fcsID','filePath','checksum','barcode','tapeSet', 'archiveSet','jobID','completionDate','status'] else: raise RuntimeError('createDictFromSQLRow() Recieved incorrect item count' ' for table:%s expected 9 or 10, recieved:%s' %(table,len(row))); ## Generate our dict based upon index number i=0 while i < len(row): resultsDict[keyArray[i]] = row[i] i+=1 ## return our resultsDict return resultsDict
[docs] def nsdchatCMD(self): '''Returns nsdchat command, this may be wrapped with sudo or ssh, so you should not quote the nsdchat path argument when submitting''' nsdchatpath = self.nsdchatpath nsdchatCMD = nsdchatpath if self.nsdchatUseSudo: nsdchatCMD = "/usr/bin/sudo %s" % nsdchatCMD if self.nsdchatUseSSL: if self.nsdchatSSLHost and self.nsdchatRemoteUser: nsdchatCMD = "/usr/bin/ssh %s@%s %s" % (self.nsdchatRemoteUser,self.nsdchatSSLHost,nsdchatCMD) else: if not self.nsdchatSSLHost and not self.nsdchatRemoteUser: message = 'nsdchat is configured to use SSL but remoteSSLHost and remoteSSLUsername are not configured!' elif not self.nsdchatSSLHost: message = 'nsdchat is configured to use SSL but remoteSSLHost is not configured!' elif not self.nsdchatRemoteUser: message = 'nsdchat is configured to use SSL but remoteSSLUsername is not configured!' self.logger(message,'error') raise RuntimeError(message) return nsdchatCMD
[docs] def nsdchatSubmitArchiveJobForArchiveSet(self,archiveSet,tapeSet=''): '''Creates a new selection set and submits the job, returns jobID''' ## Setup our vars setName = numFilesSubmitted = 0 nsdchatCMD = self.nsdchatCMD() if not tapeSet: tapeSet = archiveSet.getTapeSet() if tapeSet == 'offsite' and self.useOffsitePlan: archivePlan = self.offsiteArchivePlan else: archivePlan = self.archivePlan self.logger('Creating new archive job for set:%s using archive plan:%s' % (setName,archivePlan)) ## If we have no archiveObjects loaded, bail out if not len(archiveSet.archiveObjects) > 0: theError = 'Archive selection:"%s" has no files to submit for archive!' % setName self.logger(theError,'error') raise FCSArchiveEmptyQueueError(theError) ## Create our ArchiveSelection handler. selectionCMDString = '%s -c ArchiveSelection create localhost "%s"' % (nsdchatCMD,archivePlan) self.logger('nsdchatSubmitArchiveJobForArchiveSet() Running Command: (%s)' % selectionCMDString,'debug') selectionCMD = subprocess.Popen(selectionCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) selectionCMD_stdout,selectionCMD_stderr = selectionCMD.communicate() if not selectionCMD.returncode == 0: theError = "An error occured creating the ArchiveSelection: %s" % self.nsdchatError() self.logger(theError,"error") raise RuntimeError(theError) ## set our selection handler archiveSelection = selectionCMD_stdout.strip() ## Iterate through our sets archive objects and add them to the selection for archiveObject in archiveSet.archiveObjects: if not os.path.exists(archiveObject.filePath): self.logger("An error occurred adding file: %s Error: File does not exist on disk." % (archiveObject.filePath),"error") archiveObject.wasError(error="An error occured adding to queue. The file does not exist on disk.",status='fatalError') archiveSet.errorObjects.append(archiveObject) continue self.logger('Submitting file: \'%s\'' % archiveObject.filePath,'detailed') ## add our archiveObject to our ArchiveSelection handler. addEntryCMDString = ('%s -c ArchiveSelection "%s" addentry {"%s"}' % (nsdchatCMD,archiveSelection,archiveObject.filePath)) self.logger('nsdchatSubmitArchiveJobForArchiveSet() Running Command: (%s)' % addEntryCMDString,'debug') addEntryCMD = subprocess.Popen(addEntryCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) addEntryCMD_stdout,addEntryCMD_stderr = addEntryCMD.communicate() if not addEntryCMD.returncode == 0: nsdchatError = self.nsdchatError() self.logger("An error occurred adding file: %s Error: %s" % (archiveObject.filePath,nsdchatError),"error") archiveObject.wasError(error="An error occured adding to queue. Reported Error: %s" % nsdchatError,status='archiveFailed') archiveSet.errorObjects.append(archiveObject) continue ## Iterate our file submission counter numFilesSubmitted +=1 ## If no files successfully submitted, abort our restore job if numFilesSubmitted == 0: self.logger('No files were successfully submitted, skipping archive set %s.' % archiveSelection,'error') return False ## Submit our archive job submitJobCMDString = ('%s -c ArchiveSelection "%s" submit 1' % (nsdchatCMD,archiveSelection)) self.logger('nsdchatSubmitArchiveJobForArchiveSet() Running Command: (%s)' % submitJobCMDString,'debug') submitJobCMD = subprocess.Popen(submitJobCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) submitJobCMD_stdout,submitJobCMD_stderr = submitJobCMD.communicate() if not submitJobCMD.returncode == 0: theError = ("An error occured submitting job: %s Error:%s" % (archiveSelection,self.nsdchatError())) self.logger(theError,"error") for archiveObject in archiveSet.archiveObjects: archiveObject.wasError(error=theError,status = 'archiveFailed') archiveSet.errorObjects.append(archiveObject) else: self.logger("Successfully submitted job for selection set:%s" " Total Files:%s" % (setName,numFilesSubmitted)) jobID = submitJobCMD_stdout.strip() return jobID
[docs] def nsdchatSubmitRestoreJobForRestoreSet(self,restoreSet,tapeSet=''): '''Creates a new selection set and submits the job, returns jobID''' nsdchatCMD = self.nsdchatCMD() setName = numFilesSubmitted = 0 ## Get our tapeset if not tapeSet: tapeSet = restoreSet.getTapeSet() if tapeSet == 'offsite' and self.useOffsitePlan: archivePlan = self.offsiteArchivePlan else: archivePlan = self.archivePlan self.logger('Creating new restore job for set:%s using archive plan:%s' % (setName,archivePlan)) ## If we have no restoreObjects loaded, bail out if not len(restoreSet.archiveObjects) > 0: theError = 'Restore selection:"%s" has no files to submit for restore!' % setName self.logger(theError,'error') raise FCSArchiveEmptyQueueError(theError) ## Create our database handler dbCMDString = '%s -c ArchivePlan %s database' % (nsdchatCMD,archivePlan) self.logger('nsdchatSubmitRestoreJobForRestoreSet() Running Command: (%s)' % dbCMDString,'debug') dbCMD = subprocess.Popen(dbCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) dbCMD_stdout,dbCMD_stderr = dbCMD.communicate() if not dbCMD.returncode == 0: theError = "An error occured creating the ArchivePlan for restore: %s" % self.nsdchatError() self.logger(theError,"error") raise RuntimeError(theError) dbHandle = dbCMD_stdout.strip() self.logger('nsdchatSubmitRestoreJobForRestoreSet() - found dbHandle: %s' % dbHandle,'debug') ## Create our ArchiveSelection handler. selectionCMDString = '%s -c RestoreSelection create localhost' % nsdchatCMD self.logger('nsdchatSubmitRestoreJobForRestoreSet() Running Command: (%s)' % selectionCMDString,'debug') selectionCMD = subprocess.Popen(selectionCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) selectionCMD_stdout,selectionCMD_stderr = selectionCMD.communicate() if not selectionCMD.returncode == 0: theError = "An error occured creating the RestoreSelection: %s" % self.nsdchatError() self.logger(theError,"error") raise RuntimeError(theError) ## set our selection handler restoreSelection = selectionCMD_stdout.strip() self.logger('nsdchatSubmitRestoreJobForRestoreSet() - found selection: %s' % restoreSelection,'debug') ## Iterate through our sets archive objects and add them to the selection for archiveObject in restoreSet.archiveObjects: self.logger('Submitting file: \'%s\'' % archiveObject.filePath,'detailed') ## Get our file handle for the archive object ##self.logger('ArchiveObjectType:%s' % type(archiveObject),'debug') handleCMDString = '%s -c ArchiveEntry handle localhost {%s} %s' % (nsdchatCMD,archiveObject.filePath,dbHandle) self.logger('nsdchatSubmitRestoreJobForRestoreSet() Running Command: (%s)' % handleCMDString,'debug') handleCMD = subprocess.Popen(handleCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True,) handleCMD_stdout,handleCMD_stderr = handleCMD.communicate() handle = handleCMD_stdout.strip() self.logger('nsdchatSubmitRestoreJobForRestoreSet() - found handle: %s' % handle,'debug') if not handleCMD.returncode == 0: nsdchatError = self.nsdchatError() self.logger("An error occurred adding file: %s Error:%s" % (archiveObject.filePath,nsdchatError),"error") archiveObject.wasError(error="An error occured adding to queue. Reported Error: %s" % nsdchatError,status='restoreFailed') restoreSet.errorObjects.append(archiveObject) continue ## add our archiveObject to our RestoreSelection handler. if archiveObject.label: addEntryCMDString = '%s -c RestoreSelection "%s" addentry "%s" %s' % (nsdchatCMD,restoreSelection,handle,archiveObject.label) else: addEntryCMDString = '%s -c RestoreSelection "%s" addentry "%s"' % (nsdchatCMD,restoreSelection,handle) self.logger('nsdchatSubmitRestoreJobForRestoreSet() Running Command: (%s)' % addEntryCMDString,'debug') addEntryCMD = subprocess.Popen(addEntryCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) addEntryCMD_stdout,addEntryCMD_stderr = addEntryCMD.communicate() if not addEntryCMD.returncode == 0: nsdchatError = self.nsdchatError() self.logger("An error occurred adding file: %s Error:%s" % (archiveObject.filePath,nsdchatError),"error") archiveObject.wasError(error="An error occured adding to queue. Reported Error: %s" % nsdchatError,status='archiveFailed') archiveSet.errorObjects.append(archiveObject) continue ## Iterate our file submission counter numFilesSubmitted +=1 ## If no files successfully submitted, abort our restore job if numFilesSubmitted == 0: self.logger('No files were successfully submitted, skipping restore set %s.' % restoreSelection,'warning') return False submitJobCMDString = '%s -c RestoreSelection "%s" submit 1' % (nsdchatCMD,restoreSelection) self.logger('nsdchatSubmitRestoreJobForRestoreSet() Running Command: (%s)' % submitJobCMDString,'debug') submitJobCMD = subprocess.Popen(submitJobCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) submitJobCMD_stdout,submitJobCMD_stderr = submitJobCMD.communicate() jobID = '' if not submitJobCMD.returncode == 0: theError = ("An error occured submitting job: %s Error:%s" % (restoreSelection,self.nsdchatError())) self.logger(theError,"error") for archiveObject in archiveSet.archiveObjects: archiveObject.wasError(error=theError,status = 'archiveFailed') restoreSet.errorObjects.append(archiveObject) else: jobID = submitJobCMD_stdout.strip() self.logger("Successfully submitted job for selection set:%s JobID:%s" % (setName,jobID)) return jobID
[docs] def nsdchatStatusForJobID(self,jobID): '''Uses nsdchat to query the status of job with provided running jobID''' nsdchatCMD = self.nsdchatCMD() cmdString = '%s -c Job %s status' % (nsdchatCMD,jobID) jobCMD = subprocess.Popen(cmdString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) jobCMD_stdout,jobCMD_stderr = jobCMD.communicate() jobStatus = jobCMD_stdout.strip() ## If job status is empty, it means the job has disappeared: server restart ## power outage, etc. Set it as 'archiveDied' if not jobStatus: jobStatus = 'archiveDied' return jobStatus
[docs] def nsdchatVolumeBarcodesForFilePathFromArchiveDatabase(self,filePath,archiveDatabase="Default-Archive"): '''Returns an array of volume barcodes for the specified path as indexed in the provided archive database''' self.logger('nsdchatVolumeBarcodesForFilePathFromArchiveDatabase() retrieving' ' volume barcodes for file:\'%s\' from archiveDatabase:\'%s\'' % (filePath,archiveDatabase),'debug') volumeLabels = self.nsdchatVolumeLabelsForFilePathFromArchiveDatabase(filePath=filePath,archiveDatabase=archiveDatabase) volumeBarcodes = [] for label in volumeLabels: barcode = self.nsdchatBarcodeForVolumeLabel(label) volumeBarcodes.append(barcode) return volumeBarcodes
[docs] def nsdchatVolumeLabelsForFilePathFromArchiveDatabase(self,filePath,archiveDatabase="Default-Archive"): '''Returns an array of volume labels for the specified path as indexed in the provided archive database''' ## Get our nsdchatCMD syntax nsdchatCMD = self.nsdchatCMD() self.logger('nsdchatVolumeLabelsForFilePathFromArchiveDatabase() retrieving' ' volume labels for file:\'%s\' from archiveDatabase:\'%s\'' % (filePath,archiveDatabase),'debug') ## Get our file handler fhCMDString = '%s -c ArchiveEntry handle localhost {%s} %s' % (nsdchatCMD,filePath,archiveDatabase) self.logger('nsdchatVolumeLabelsForFilePathFromArchiveDatabase() Running Command: (%s)' % fhCMDString,'debug') fhCMD = subprocess.Popen(fhCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) fhCMD_stdout,fhCMD_stderr = fhCMD.communicate() fhHandle = fhCMD_stdout.strip() ## Make sure we have a handle. if not fhHandle: self.logger('PresStore returned an empty handle for file: %s' % filePath,'error') raise FCSArchiveFileNotFoundInIndex(filePath=filePath,archiveDatabase=archiveDatabase) if fhHandle == "#": message = 'PresStore returned a corrupt \'#\' handle for file: %s' % filePath self.logger(message,'error') raise PresStoreCorruptDataError(error=message) ## Get our volume volCMDString = '%s -c ArchiveEntry "%s" volume' % (nsdchatCMD,fhHandle) self.logger('nsdchatVolumeLabelForFilePath() Running Command: (%s)' % volCMDString,'debug') volCMD = subprocess.Popen(volCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) volCMD_stdout,volCMD_stderr = volCMD.communicate() volumeOutput = volCMD_stdout.strip() if not volumeOutput: raise FCSArchiveFileNotFoundInIndex(filePath=filePath,archiveDatabase=archiveDatabase) elif volumeOutput == "#": message = 'PresStore returned \'#\', cannot continue!' self.logger(message,'error') raise PresStoreCorruptDataError(error=message) else: volumeArray = volumeOutput.split(' ') return volumeArray
[docs] def nsdchatVolumeLabelForFilePath(self,filePath,tapeSet='onsite'): '''Returns the volume label for file archived at path filePath. If PresStore returns multiple volume labels, only the first volume is returned.''' ## Determine our archivePlan based on tapeSet if tapeSet == 'onsite': archivePlan = self.archivePlan else: archivePlan = self.offsiteArchivePlan nsdchatCMD = self.nsdchatCMD() ## Get our database handler cmdString = '%s -c ArchivePlan "%s" database ' % (nsdchatCMD,archivePlan) self.logger('nsdchatVolumeLabelForFilePath() Running Command: (%s)' % cmdString,'debug') dbCMD = subprocess.Popen(cmdString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) dbCMD_stdout,dbCMD_stderr = dbCMD.communicate() dbHandler = dbCMD_stdout.strip() if dhHandler == "#": message = 'PresStore returned a corrupt \'#\' database handle for archivePlan: %s' % archivePlan self.logger(message,'error') raise PresStoreCorruptDataError(error=message) volumeArray = self.nsdchatVolumeLabelsForFilePathFromArchiveDatabase(filePath=filePath,archiveDatabase=dbHandler) volume = volumeArray[0] if len(volumeArray) > 1: self.logger('Found multiple tapes for file:%s Tapes:%s ' 'Returning volume:%s' % (filePath,",".join(volumeArray),volume),'debug') self.logger('Found volume label:%s for filePath:%s tapeSet:%s' % (volume,filePath,tapeSet),'detailed') return volume
[docs] def nsdchatBarcodeForVolumeLabel(self,label): '''Returns the volume barcode for provided PresStore tape label''' nsdchatCMD = self.nsdchatCMD() if not label or label == 0: self.logger('No label was provided, cannot determine volume barcode!','error') raise FCSArchiveVolumeNotFound() ## Finally, get our barcode barcodeCMDString = '%s -c Volume "%s" barcode' % (nsdchatCMD,label) self.logger('getBarcodeForVolumeLabel() Running Command: (%s)' % barcodeCMDString,'debug') barcodeCMD = subprocess.Popen(barcodeCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) barcodeCMD_stdout,barcodeCMD_stderr = barcodeCMD.communicate() barcode = barcodeCMD_stdout.strip() self.logger('getBarcodeForVolumeLabel() - Found barcode:%s for label:%s' % (barcode,label),'debug') if barcode == '<empty>': return False return barcode
[docs] def nsdchatIsVolumeOnline(self,label): '''Returns the status for volume with provided label, returns True if the asset is on a tape in the library, false if it is not''' nsdchatCMD = self.nsdchatCMD() ## Get our isonline status isonlineCMDString = '%s -c Volume "%s" isonline' % (nsdchatCMD,label) self.logger('isVolumeWithLabelOnline() Running Command: (%s)' % isonlineCMDString,'debug') isonlineCMD = subprocess.Popen(isonlineCMDString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) isonlineCMD_stdout,isonlineCMD_stderr = isonlineCMD.communicate() isonline = isonlineCMD_stdout.strip() if isonline == '1': self.logger('nsdchatIsVolumeOnline() Volume with label:%s is online.'% label,'debug') return True else: self.logger('nsdchatIsVolumeOnline() Volume with label:%s is offline!'% label,'debug') return False
[docs] def nsdchatError(self): '''Returns the last error message reported by nsdchat''' nsdchatCMD = self.nsdchatCMD() cmdString = '%s -c geterror' % nsdchatCMD errorCMD = subprocess.Popen(cmdString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) errorCMD_stdout,errorCMD_stderr = errorCMD.communicate() return errorCMD_stdout.strip()
[docs] def predictVolumeBarcodeForLabel(self,label=''): '''This function predicts the volume barcode for a label which does not have one associated with it.''' ## declare vars previousFoundBarcode = '' previousBarcodeOffset = 0 nextFoundBarcode = '' nextBarcodeOffset = 0 barcodeLabel = self.nsdchatBarcodeForVolumeLabel(label) if barcodeLabel: return barcodeLabel ## Find our previous barcode currentLabel = int(label) while not previousFoundBarcode and not currentLabel <= 0: previousBarcodeOffset += 1 print "previousBarcodeOffset:%s" % previousBarcodeOffset currentLabel = int(label) - previousBarcodeOffset self.logger('predictVolumeBarcodeForLabel() Looking up barcode for label: %s' % currentLabel) previousFoundBarcode = self.nsdchatBarcodeForVolumeLabel(currentLabel) self.logger('predictVolumeBarcodeForLabel() Found previous barcode: %s' % previousFoundBarcode,'debug') ## Find our next barcode currentLabel = int(label) while not nextFoundBarcode and not currentLabel >= 10000000: nextBarcodeOffset += 1 print "nextBarcodeOffset:%s" % nextBarcodeOffset currentLabel = int(label) + nextBarcodeOffset self.logger('predictVolumeBarcodeForLabel() Looking up barcode for label: %s' % currentLabel) nextFoundBarcode = self.nsdchatBarcodeForVolumeLabel(currentLabel) self.logger('predictVolumeBarcodeForLabel() Found next barcode: %s' % nextFoundBarcode,'debug') ## Determine our previous barcode searchRE ='([A-Z]{0,4})([0-9]{2,5})',previousFoundBarcode) previousBarcodeAlpha = searchRE.groups()[0] previousBarcodeNumber = int(searchRE.groups()[1]) barcodePredictedFromPrevious = ("%s%05d" % (previousBarcodeAlpha,previousBarcodeNumber + previousBarcodeOffset)) barcodeStartRange = ("%s%05d" % (previousBarcodeAlpha,previousBarcodeNumber + 1)) ## Determine our next barcode searchRE ='([A-Z]{0,4})([0-9]{2,5})',nextFoundBarcode) nextBarcodeAlpha = searchRE.groups()[0] nextBarcodeNumber = int(searchRE.groups()[1]) barcodePredictedFromNext = ("%s%05d" % (nextBarcodeAlpha,nextBarcodeNumber - nextBarcodeOffset)) barcodeEndRange = ("%s%05d" % (nextBarcodeAlpha,nextBarcodeNumber - 1)) self.logger('predictVolumeBarcodeForLabel() Predicting barcode for label: %s' ' Preceding Barcode: %s Next Barcode: %s Barcode predicted from previous: %s' ' Barcode predicted from next: %s' % (label,previousFoundBarcode, nextFoundBarcode, barcodePredictedFromPrevious, barcodePredictedFromNext),'debug') message = 'PresStore returned empty barcode for label: %s' % label if barcodePredictedFromPrevious == barcodePredictedFromNext: message += (', the system has determined that the most likely ' 'barcode is: %s' % barcodePredictedFromNext) else: message += (', the system could not determine the exact tape, it ' 'should reside on %s - %s' % (barcodeStartRange,barcodeEndRange)) return message
[docs] def sendEmail(self,recipient='',subject='',body='',cc=''): '''Sends an email with the provided subject and body to the provided recipients. If no recipient is provided, we will load from our config. All server settings are loaded from config.''' ## Get our host connection information from our local vars host = self.SMTPServer port = self.SMTPPort smtpuser = self.SMTPUser smtppass = self.SMTPPassword fromAddress = self.emailFromAddress ## Determine our to and cc addresses toAddress = '' ccAddress = '' ## If no recipient is explicitely provided, use emailToNotify if not recipient: toAddress = self.emailToNotify else: toAddress = recipient ## If no recipient exists and a cc is provided, use the cc as the primary ## recipient if not toAddress and cc: toAddress = cc cc = '' elif cc: ccAddress = cc toAddressArray = toAddress.split(',') if ccAddress: toAddressArray.append(ccAddress) ## If we still don't have a recipient, bail if not toAddress: self.logger('Could not send email: both subject and body are empty!','error') raise RuntimeError('Could not send email: both subject and body are empty!') ## If we have no subject or body, bail if not subject and not body: self.logger('Could not send email: both subject and body are empty!','error') raise RuntimeError('Could not send email: both subject and body are empty!') ## Open up our connection try: mymailjob = smtplib.SMTP(host, port) except socket.error,msg: print "ERROR: Could not connect to host %s:%s, Socket Error: %s" % (host,port,msg) return False except smtplib.SMTPConnectError,msg: print "ERROR: could not connect to host %s:%s, connection refused: %s" % (host,port,msg) except: print "ERROR: Could not send Email to host %s:%s!" % (host,port) return False # Add the From:, To:, and Subject: headers to our body! myBody = ("From: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s\n" % (fromAddress, ", ".join(toAddressArray),subject,body)) ## Attempt to send the mail try: mymailjob.sendmail(fromAddress, toAddressArray, myBody) mymailjob.quit() except smtplib.SMTPHeloError,e: self.logger("Could not send email, server reported a HELO error: '%s'" % e,'error') return False except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused,e: self.logger("Could not send email, server refused recipients: '%s'" % ",".join(e.recipients),'error') return False except smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused,e: print "ERROR: Could not send email, server refused sender: '%s'" % e return False except SMTPDataError,e: print "ERROR: Could not send mail, server reports Data error: '%s'" % e return False return True
[docs]class archiveObject(fcsxml.FCSBaseObject): '''Our base archive object which represents a single file entity.''' ## File info fcsID = '' filePath = '' ## Path to the file as it exists on the archive dev onlinePath = '' ## Path to the file as it exists when online checksum = '' action = 'archive' ## Archive Info recordID = '' ## sqlite rowID archiveSetName = '' ## Selection set name created at time of submission archivePath = '' ## Path to archive device jobID = '' ## Backup system job identifier submitDate = '' ## Date of submission archiveDate = '' ## Date of completion restoreDate = '' ## Date of restore didRestore = False ## Bool value on whether or not we performed a restore from archive. label = '' ## Backup system label barcode = '' ## Tape barcode label tapeSet = 'onsite' ## The name of the tapeSet,'onsite' or 'offsite' retryCount = 0 ## archive and restore retry counters: increment ## when an object fails to archive or restore. statusMap = {} status = '' ## State isLoaded = False isError = False statusMessage = '' configParser = '' ## Our FCS Object def __init__(self,action='archive'): self.recordID ='' self.fcsID = '' self.action = action self.fcsObject = '' self.filePath = '' self.archivePath = '' self.archiveSetName = '' self.jobID = '' self.submitDate = '' self.archiveDate = '' self.restoreDate = '' self.didRestore = False self.status = '' self.isError = False self.retryCount = 0 self.statusMessage = '' self.tapeSet = 'onsite' self.isLoaded = False self.configParser = '' self.statusMap = fcsArchiver.statusMap
[docs] def setTapeSet(self,tapeSet): '''Set the tapeSet for the object''' if tapeSet == 'offsite' and self.action == 'archive': self.action = 'offsiteArchive' self.tapeSet = tapeSet
[docs] def setStatus(self,status): '''Set the status for the object''' statusMap = self.statusMap ## Pull our passed status out of our statusMap validatedStatus = '' try: validatedStatus = statusMap[self.action][status] except: for key,value in statusMap[self.action].iteritems(): if value == status: validatedStatus = status if not validatedStatus: ## If we don't have a validated status at this point, and we are ## an offsite archive, check to see if we were passed an onsite status. theKey = '' if self.action == 'offsiteArchive': for key,value in statusMap['archive'].iteritems(): if value == status: theKey = key if theKey: validatedStatus = statusMap[self.action][theKey] if not theKey: self.logger('setStatus() passed unmapped status:%s action:%s tapeSet:%s' % (status,self.action,self.tapeSet),'error') validatedStatus = statusMap[self.action]['failed'] self.logger('setStatus() set status to:%s action:%s' % (validatedStatus,self.action),'debug') self.status = validatedStatus
[docs] def loadFromXMLFile(self,xmlFilePath=''): '''Loads archiveObject based upon a file path. We expect the filepath to represent a FCS XML file, and will load in the appropriate entityID as well as perform a checksum of the file.''' ## Read in XML File and create fcsxml.FCSXMLObject instance ## Determine the archive path of the file ## Get our original device and location ## Determine our path on the archive device ## Make sure we have a file ## Set our local values
[docs] def loadForFileAtPath(self,filePath=''): '''Loads archiveObject based upon a file path. We expect the filepath to represent a FCS XML file, and will load in the appropriate entityID as well as perform a checksum of the file.''' self.logger('loadForFileAtPath() hit for filePath:%s' % filePath,'debug') filePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(filePath))) self.filePath = filePath ## Generate our fcsxml.FCSVRClient object myFCSObject = fcsxml.FCSVRClient() if self.configParser: myFCSVRObject.loadConfiguration(self.configParser) ## Load our online path onlinePath = myFCSObject.getFSPathFromArchivePath(filePath) ## Calculate our checksum if os.path.exists(filePath): self.logger('Calculating checksum for file: %s' % filePath,'detailed') self.checksum = self.md5sum(filePath) self.logger('loadForFileAtPath() initing with onlinePath: \'%s\'' % onlinePath,'debug') self.logger('Looking up file in FinalCut Server.') if myFCSObject.initWithAssetFromFSPath(onlinePath): self.fcsID = myFCSObject.entityID self.onlinePath = onlinePath self.fcsObject = myFCSObject else: errMSG = ("Could not load fcsxml.FCSVRClientObject from path:'%s'," " error:'%s'" % (filePath,myFCSObject.lastError)) self.logger(errMSG,'error') raise fcsxml.FCSObjectLoadError(errMSG) self.isLoaded = True return True
[docs] def loadFromFCSObject(self,object): '''Loads archiveObject from an FCS Object''' return True
[docs] def loadFCSObject(self): '''Loads the archive objects respective FCS object and saves to self.fcsObject''' ## Generate our fcsxml.FCSVRClient object myFCSObject = fcsxml.FCSVRClient() if self.configParser: myFCSVRObject.loadConfiguration(self.configParser) fcsID = self.fcsID myFCSObject = fcsxml.FCSVRClient(entityType='asset',id=fcsID) myFCSObject.initWithAssetID(assetID=fcsID) self.fcsObject = myFCSObject return myFCSObject
[docs] def loadFromSQLResult(self,results): '''Load internal values from a sqlite3 result row''' ##self.logger('loadFromSQLResult() loading with results: %s keys:%s' % (results,results.keys())) if 'rowid' in results.keys(): self.logger('loadFromSQLResult() loading rowid: %s' % results['rowid']) self.recordID = results['rowid'] else: self.logger('loadFromSQLResult() no rowid found in sql results!','error') if 'archiveSet' in results.keys(): self.archiveSetName = results['archiveSet'] if 'tapeSet' in results.keys(): self.setTapeSet(results['tapeSet']) if 'barcode' in results.keys(): self.barcode = results['barcode'] if self.tapeSet == 'offsite' and self.action == 'archive': self.action = 'offsiteArchive' if 'jobID' in results.keys(): self.jobID = results['jobID'] if 'fcsID' in results.keys(): self.fcsID = results['fcsID'] if 'filePath' in results.keys(): self.filePath = results['filePath'] if 'checksum' in results.keys(): self.checksum = results['checksum'] if 'status' in results.keys(): self.setStatus(results['status']) if 'retryCount' in results.keys(): self.retryCount = results['retryCount'] return True
[docs] def fileSize(self): '''Returns the file size for the loaded archiveObject''' filePath = self.filePath onlinePath = self.onlinePath try: if os.path.exists(filePath): return os.path.getsize(filePath) elif os.path.exists(onlinePath): return os.path.getsize(onlinePath) else: raise except: raise RuntimeError('File could not be found online, cannot determine size!')
[docs] def wasError(self,error='',status='failed'): '''This function is called whenever the object fails to archive, set our error status, archive status, and clear out our archiveSetName''' self.statusMessage = error self.isError = True self.setStatus(status) self.archiveSetName = '' self.retryCount += 1 return True
[docs] def md5sum(self, filePath=''): ''"Calculate MD5 checksome of passed file''" if not filePath: filePath = self.filePath if not filePath or not os.path.isfile(filePath): self.logger("md5sum() cannot determine filepath!", "error") return False myFile = open(filePath) bufferSize = 4096 checksum = hashlib.md5() while True: buffer = if buffer == '': break checksum.update(buffer) myFile.close() return checksum.hexdigest()
[docs]class archiveSet(fcsxml.FCSBaseObject): '''Our base archive object which represents a selection set.''' ## plan info name = '' ## The name of our plan jobID = '' ## Our jobID as understood by the backup system type = 'archive' ## Our plan type: 'archive' or 'restore' ## Archive Info archiveObjects = [] ## Array of archiveObjects errorObjects = [] ## Array of archiveObjects which reported errors def __init__(self,name='',type='archive',jobID=''): if name: = name else: = 'SELECTION_%s' %"%Y-%m-%d:%H%M") self.jobID = jobID self.type = type self.archiveObjects = [] self.errorObjects = [] def __str__(self): return
[docs] def setArchiveSetForArchiveObjects(self,setName): '''Updates the archiveSet of all loaded objects to the value supplied. This does NOT commit changes to SQL, use fcsArchiver.commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet(). This does NOT update the status on objects which report an error''' self.logger('Setting archiveSet to:%s for set:%s' % (setName,,'debug') for archiveObject in self.archiveObjects: if not archiveObject.isError: archiveObject.archiveSetName = setName return True
[docs] def setActionForArchiveObjects(self,action): '''Updates the status of all loaded objects to the value supplied. This does NOT commit changes to SQL, use fcsArchiver.commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet(). This does NOT update the status on objects which report an error''' self.logger('Setting action to:%s for set:%s' % (action,,'debug') for archiveObject in self.archiveObjects: if not archiveObject.isError: archiveObject.action = action return True
[docs] def setStatusForArchiveObjects(self,status): '''Updates the status of all loaded objects to the value supplied. This does NOT commit changes to SQL, use fcsArchiver.commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet(). This does NOT update the status on objects which report an error''' self.logger('Setting status to:%s for set:%s' % (status,,'debug') for archiveObject in self.archiveObjects: if not archiveObject.isError: archiveObject.setStatus(status) return True
[docs] def setJobIDForArchiveObjects(self,jobID): '''Updates the jobID of all loaded objects to the value supplied. This does NOT commit changes to SQL, use fcsArchiver.commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet(). This does NOT update the status on objects which report an error''' self.logger('Setting jobID to:%s for set:%s' % (jobID,,'debug') for archiveObject in self.archiveObjects: if not archiveObject.isError: archiveObject.jobID = jobID return True
[docs] def getTapeSet(self): '''Returns jobID as defined by our loaded objects''' ## Todo: this should do a lot more than return the first objects tapeset ## Perhaps take a tally of different tapeSets? return self.archiveObjects[0].tapeSet
[docs] def setTapeSetForArchiveObjects(self,tapeSet): '''Updates the jobID of all loaded objects to the value supplied. This does NOT commit changes to SQL, use fcsArchiver.commitArchiveObjectsInArchiveSet(). This does NOT update the status on objects which report an error''' self.logger('Setting tapeSet to:%s for set:%s' % (tapeSet,,'debug') for archiveObject in self.archiveObjects: if not archiveObject.isError: archiveObject.setTapeSet(tapeSet) return
[docs] def clearErrorsForArchiveObjects(self): '''Clears any error flags set on loaded objects''' self.logger('Clearing errors for objects in set:%s' %,'debug') for archiveObject in self.archiveObjects: archiveObject.isError = False return
[docs] def wasError(self,error,status=''): '''Report an error, update all related objects''' for object in self.archiveObjects: object.wasError(error=error,status=status) return True
[docs] def getJobID(self): '''Returns jobID as defined by our loaded objects''' ## Todo: this should do a lot more than return the first objects status ## Perhaps take a tally of different status'? try: jobID = self.archiveObjects[0].jobID except: jobID = 0 return jobID
[docs] def getStatus(self): '''Returns status as defined by our loaded objects''' ## Todo: this should do a lot more than return the first objects status ## Perhaps take a tally of different status'? return self.archiveObjects[0].status
[docs] def getRetryCount(self): '''Returns retryCount as defined by our loaded objects''' ## Todo: this should do a lot more than return the first objects count ## Perhaps take a tally of different retryCount'? return self.archiveObjects[0].retryCount
class PresStoreCorruptDataError(Exception): def __init__(self,error): self.error = error def __str__(self): return repr(self.error) class PresStoreJobSubmissionError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) class FileNotFoundError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value class FCSArchiverUnknownBackupSystem(Exception): pass class FCSArchiveVolumeNotFound(Exception): pass class FCSArchiveFileNotFoundInIndex(Exception): def __init__(self,filePath='',archiveDatabase=''): self.filePath = filePath self.archiveDatabase = archiveDatabase def __str__(self): message = "Could not find archive index for filePath: '%s'" % self.filePath if (self.archiveDatabase): message += " using archive database: '%s'" % self.archiveDatabase return repr(message) class FCSArchiveFileSubmitError(Exception): def __init__(self, error=''): self.error = error def __str__(self): if self.error: error = self.error else: error = 'Failed to submit file to archive!' return repr(error) class FCSArchiveEmptyQueueError(Exception): def __init__(self, error=''): self.error = error def __str__(self): if self.error: error = self.error else: error = 'Queue has no files to archive!' return repr(error) ######################### START FUNCTIONS ############################### def helpMessage(): print '''Usage: fcsArchiver [option] Options: -h, --help Displays this help message -v, --version Display version number -f configfilepath, Use specified config file --configFile=configfilepath -p, --processQueue Process archive and restore queues --processRestoreQueue Process restore queues --processArchiveQueue Process archive queues --getVolumeBarcode Lists volume barcode for the requested file --getVolumeLabel (must be used with --file option) --file='/path/to/file' --getVolumeBarcodeForFile= Outputs barcode for specified file --getVolumeLabelForFile= Outputs label for specified file --getVolumeBarcodeForLabel= Outputs the barcode for the specified label Examples: fcsArchiver --processArchiveQueue fcsArchiver --getVolumeBarcode --file='/myfile.txt' fcsArchiver --getVolumeBarcodeForFile='/myfile.txt' fcsArchiver --getVolumeBarcodeForLabel=10001 '''
[docs]def printVersionInfo(): '''Prints out version info''' print ("\nFCS Archiver\n\tVersion: %s Build: %s\n" "\tFramework Version: %s Build: %s\n\n" "Copyright (C) 2010 Beau Hunter, 318 Inc.\n" % (version,build, fcsxml.version,
[docs]def main(): '''Our main function, filters passed arguments and loads the appropriate object''' ## Init vars supportPath = '' configFilePath = '/usr/local/etc/fcsarchiver.conf' actions = [] ## used to spool actions filePath = '' ## used when file-specific action is requested tapeSet = 'onsite' ## used when querying archive informaiton. volumeLabel = '' ## used when querying archive volume information exitCode = 0 ## used for tracking errors during processing ## Get our flags try: optlist, list = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],':hvpf::',['processQueue', 'processRestoreQueue','processArchiveQueue','help', 'configFile=','tapeSet=','version', 'getVolumeBarcode','getVolumeLabel','file=', 'getVolumeBarcodeForFile=','getVolumeLabelForFile=', 'getVolumeBarcodeForLabel=']) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'Syntax Error!' helpMessage() return 1 ## If no options are passed, output help if len(optlist) == 0: printVersionInfo() helpMessage() return 1 #### PROCESS OUR PASSED ARGUMENTS #### for opt in optlist: if opt[0] == '-h' or opt[0] == '--help': helpMessage() return 0 elif opt[0] == '-v' or opt[0] == '--version': printVersionInfo() return 0 elif opt[0] == '-f' or opt[0] == '--configFile': configFile = opt[1] if not os.path.isfile(configFile): print 'Config file does not exist at path:%s' % configFile return 2 elif opt[0] == '-p' or opt[0] == '--processQueue': actions.append('processQueue') elif opt[0] == '--processArchiveQueue': actions.append('processArchiveQueue') elif opt[0] == '--processRestoreQueue': actions.append('processRestoreQueue') elif opt[0] == '--getVolumeLabelForFile': actions.append('getVolumeLabelForFile') filePath = opt[1] elif opt[0] == '--getVolumeBarcodeForFile': actions.append('getVolumeBarcodeForFile') filePath = opt[1] elif opt[0] == '--getVolumeLabel': actions.append('getVolumeLabelForFile') elif opt[0] == '--getVolumeBarcode': actions.append('getVolumeBarcodeForFile') elif opt[0] == '--getVolumeBarcodeForLabel': actions.append('getVolumeBarcodeForLabel') volumeLabel = opt[1] elif opt[0] == '--file': filePath = opt[1] elif opt[0] == '--tapeSet': tapeSet = opt[1] ## Read in our config file data ## If no config file was specified or doesn't exist, look in PWD if not configFilePath or not os.path.isfile(configFilePath): configFilePath = 'fcsArchiver.conf' ## Make sure the config file we plan to use exists and can be read by our parser cfgParser = '' if os.path.isfile(configFilePath): try: cfgParser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() except: raise print 'Error! Could not read global attributes from file at path: \'%s\' Error: %s' % (configFilePath,sys.exc_info()[0]) return 2 else: print 'Error! Could not find valid configuration file at /usr/local/etc/fcsArchiver.conf' return 2 ## Create our fcsArchiver object fcs = fcsArchiver() try: fcs.loadConfiguration(cfgParser) except: print 'An error occured processing our config file: %s' % configFilePath raise return 2 ## Do our work, make sure we have actions specified. if len(actions) == 0: print 'No action was provided!' return 3 ## Process Queues if ('processQueue' in actions or 'processArchiveQueue' in actions or 'processRestoreQueue' in actions): if 'processQueue' in actions or 'processRestoreQueue' in actions: ## Process our restore queues first fcs.logger('Processing Restore Queues...') fcs.logOffset += 1 try: fcs.loadRestoreQueue() fcs.processRestoreQueue() except FCSArchiveEmptyQueueError,err: fcs.logger('Restore Queue is empty.') '''except Exception, err: print 'ERROR: An unknown error occured: %s' % err''' fcs.logOffset -= 1 fcs.logger('Checking for new restore files...') fcs.logOffset += 1 try: fcs.createRestoreQueueFromFile() fcs.loadRestoreQueue() fcs.restoreFilesFromQueue() except FCSArchiveEmptyQueueError,err: fcs.logger('Restore Queue is empty.') '''except Exception, err: print 'ERROR: An unknown error occured: %s' % err''' fcs.logOffset -= 1 fcs.logger('Finished processing all restore queues.') if 'processQueue' in actions or 'processArchiveQueue' in actions: ## Process our archive queues fcs.logger('Processing Archive Queues...') fcs.logOffset += 1 try: fcs.loadArchiveQueue() fcs.processArchiveQueue() except FCSArchiveEmptyQueueError,err: fcs.logger('Archive Queue is empty.') '''except Exception, err: print 'ERROR: An unknown error occured: %s' % err''' fcs.logOffset -= 1 fcs.logger('Checking for new archive files...') fcs.logOffset += 1 try: fcs.createArchiveQueueFromFile() fcs.loadArchiveQueue() fcs.archiveFilesFromQueue() except FCSArchiveEmptyQueueError,err: fcs.logger('Archive Queue is empty.') '''except Exception, err: print 'ERROR: An unknown error occured: %s' % err''' fcs.logOffset -= 1 fcs.logger('Finished processing all archive queues.') ## Request archive information if 'getVolumeLabelForFile' in actions or 'getVolumeBarcodeForFile' in actions: if not filePath: print 'Error: specified action requires a filepath!' return 3 if 'getVolumeLabelForFile' in actions: try: myVolumeLabel = fcs.nsdchatVolumeLabelForFilePath(filePath=filePath,tapeSet=tapeSet) print 'LABEL:\t%s' % myVolumeLabel except FCSArchiveVolumeNotFound: print ('No entry could be found in index for file:\'%s\' using tapeset:\'%s\'' % (filePath,tapeSet)) exitCode = 19 except FCSArchiveFileNotFoundInIndex: print ('No entry could be found in index for file:\'%s\' using tapeset:\'%s\'' % (filePath,tapeSet)) exitCode = 21 except Exception, err: print 'An error occured reading volume label: %s' % err exitCode = 20 if 'getVolumeBarcodeForFile' in actions: try: myVolumeLabel = fcs.nsdchatVolumeLabelForFilePath(filePath=filePath,tapeSet=tapeSet) volumeBarcode = fcs.nsdchatBarcodeForVolumeLabel(label=myVolumeLabel) if myVolumeLabel and not volumeBarcode: volumeBarcode = fcs.predictVolumeBarcodeForLabel(label=myVolumeLabel) print 'BARCODE:\t%s' % volumeBarcode except FCSArchiveVolumeNotFound: print ('No entry could be found in index for file:\'%s\' using tapeset:\'%s\'' % (filePath,tapeSet)) exitCode = 19 except FCSArchiveFileNotFoundInIndex: print ('No entry could be found in index for file:\'%s\' using tapeset:\'%s\'' % (filePath,tapeSet)) exitCode = 21 except Exception, err: print 'An unknown error occured reading volume barcode: %s' % err exitCode = 25 if 'getVolumeBarcodeForLabel' in actions: if not volumeLabel: print 'Error: specified action requires a filepath!' return 3 try: volumeBarcode = fcs.nsdchatBarcodeForVolumeLabel(label=volumeLabel) if volumeLabel and not volumeBarcode: volumeBarcode = fcs.predictVolumeBarcodeForLabel(label=volumeLabel) print '%s_BARCODE:\t%s' % (volumeLabel,volumeBarcode) except FCSArchiveFileNotFoundInIndex: print ('No entry could be found in index for file:\'%s\' using tapeset:\'%s\'' % (filePath,tapeSet)) exitCode = 21 except Exception, err: print 'An unknown error occured reading volume barcode: %s' % err exitCode = 25 ## Return our stored exit code. return exitCode ## If we called this file directly call main()
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())