Source code for brightcove


##  Transmogrifier: BrightCove
##  A Final Cut Server import/export tool 
##  Written by: Beau Hunter
##  318 Inc 05/2009
##  This class is a decedent of TransmogrifierObject, and provides no additional
##  interfaces above what is provided via it's parent, TransmogrifyTargetObject. 
##  However, numerous methods have been overridden to provide BrightCove-specific
##  Operations and XML output
##  Transmogrifier is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of version 3 the GNU General Public License as published
##  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  Transmogrifier is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  GNU General Public License for more details.
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##  along with Transmogrifier. If not, see <>.

import os, os.path, re, glob, shutil, sys, types, datetime, time
from ftplib import FTP
from fcsxml import FCSXMLField, FCSXMLObject
from transmogrifierTarget import TransmogrifierTargetObject, MediaFile

from xml.dom import minidom
version = ".91beta"
build = "2010040101"
## Date/time string used for reporting
currentTime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(

[docs]class BrightCoveObject(TransmogrifierTargetObject): """Our main brightcove object, used for collecting media files, interpretting FCS XML, writing brightcove compliant XML and uploading""" refID = "" publisherID = "" frameHeight = "" frameWidth = "" debug = False validActions = ['upload'] def __init__(self,entityID=0): """Our construct, instantiate our members""" TransmogrifierTargetObject.__init__(self,entityID) self.refID = "" self.multipleBitRate = False self.overwriteExistingFiles = True self.serviceName = "BrightCove" self.supportSubDirs = ["xmlin", "xmlout", "media", "media/500.25","media/700.5", "media/1100.5", "media/1500", "media/3000", "media/thumbs", "media/stills"] self.neededAttributes = ["entityID", "approver", "title", "description", "publisherID", "ftpUser", "ftpPassword", "ftpHost"] self.reqFCSFields = ["BrightCove Publish History","Publish to BrightCove","Published to BrightCove","Publishing Approver"] self.validActions = ['upload']
[docs] def deleteSupportFiles(self): """Delete Registered support files (media and xml)""" errorCode = "" ## Call our parent, which removes any standard loaded media or xml files if not TransmogrifierTargetObject.deleteSupportFiles(self): errorCode = 1 ## Delete our BrightCove manifest.xml if self.supportPath: xmlOutPath = os.path.join(self.supportPath, "xmlout", "%s_manifest.xml" % self.refID) if os.path.exists(xmlOutPath): self.logger("Removing file at path: '%s'" % xmlOutPath, "detailed") os.remove(xmlOutPath) if errorCode: return False else: return True
[docs] def loadConfiguration(self, parser): """Load from configuration file, expects a ConfigParser type object. If you subclass, you should call this function. If we return false then you should abort. or do your own sanity checks""" if not TransmogrifierTargetObject.loadConfiguration(self, parser): return False; try: self.ftpHost = parser.get("BrightCove","host") self.ftpUser = parser.get("BrightCove","username") self.ftpPassword = parser.get("BrightCove","password") self.publisherID = parser.get("BrightCove","publisherid") self.multipleBitRate = parser.getboolean("BrightCove","multiplebitrate") except: self.logger("loadConfiguration() Problem loading configuration records, please double check your configuration","error") return True
[docs] def setFCSXMLFile(self,filePath): """import FCS XML file and set relevant member vars""" ## Call our parent class, which does most of the work, imports common ## variables (stored in member vars) errorCode = "" if not TransmogrifierTargetObject.setFCSXMLFile(self, filePath): errorCode = 1 ## Generate our BrightCove refID if not self.refID: self.refID = re.sub(' ','_',re.sub(r'^(.*?)\..*$',r'\1',self.title)) if not errorCode: return True else: return False
[docs] def upload(self, dirPath=""): '''Uploads all relative assets to the configured ftpHost, also calls xmlOut and uploads the resulting file''' theError = "" ## Sanity Checks if not dirPath: dirPath = self.supportPath if not os.path.isdir(dirPath): self.logger("brightcove_xml:upload() Directory does not exist:'%s'" % dirPath, "error") return False xmlOutPath = os.path.join(dirPath, "xmlout", "%s_manifest.xml" % self.refID) if not self.xmlOut(xmlOutPath): self.logger("upload() could not write XML, exiting", "error") return False ## Establish our FTP upload command STOR overrides, STOU fails on existing object if self.overwriteExistingFiles: ftpCommand = "STOR" else: ftpCommand = "STOU" ## Sanity checks and then try our FTP connection if not self.ftpHost or not self.ftpUser or not self.ftpPassword: self.logger("upload() missing parameters, could not establish connection to FTP server!", "error") try: ftp = FTP(self.ftpHost, self.ftpUser, self.ftpPassword) except: self.logger("upload() failed to connect to FTP server", "error") return False ## Iterate through our stored files (assembled by self.readMediaFiles) if len(self.files) > 0: for file in self.files.itervalues(): try: if os.path.exists(file.path): theFile = open(file.path, "r") if not file.uploadFileName: theFileName = file.fileName else: theFileName = "%s" % file.uploadFileName self.logger("upload() uplaoding file: '%s' as '%s'" % (file.fileName, theFileName), "normal") ftp.storbinary("%s %s" % (ftpCommand,theFileName), theFile) theFile.close() except: theError = file.path,sys.exc_info()[0] self.logger("upload() could not upload file: '%s' Error:\n%s" % (theError), "error") ## shutil.copy(file.path, dirPath) ##if not os.path.isfile (os.path.join(dirPath,file.fileName)): ## theError = "Couldn't copy file: '%s'" % file.path ## self.logger("upload() %s" % theError, "error") try: if os.path.exists(xmlOutPath): theFile = open(xmlOutPath, "r") self.logger("upload() uplaoding file: 'manifest.xml'", "normal") ftp.storbinary("%s manifest.xml" % (ftpCommand), theFile) theFile.close() else: self.logger("upload() failed to upload file: 'manifest.xml'", "error") theError = self.lastError except: theError = xmlOutPath,sys.exc_info()[0] self.logger("upload() could not upload file: '%s' Error:\n%s" % (theError), "error") ## Build our FCS object for reporting if not self.fcsXMLOutObject: self.fcsXMLOutObject = FCSXMLObject(self.entityID) fcsXMLOut = self.fcsXMLOutObject currentTime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime( if not theError: fcsXMLOut.setField(FCSXMLField("Published to %s" % self.serviceName, "true", "bool")) fcsXMLOut.setField(FCSXMLField("Publish to %s" % self.serviceName, "false", "bool")) fcsXMLOut.setField(FCSXMLField("Status", "Verify Publishing")) self.appendFCSField("BrightCove Publish History","%s: Successfully published to %s." % (currentTime,self.serviceName)) self.logger("Successfully published assets to %s." % (self.serviceName)) return True else: self.appendHistory("%s: Failed to publish to %s. Please try again. Error:\n\t%s" % (currentTime,self.serviceName,self.lastError)) fcsXMLOut.setField(FCSXMLField("Publish to %s" % self.serviceName, "false", "bool")) self.logger("Failed to publish all assets to %s." % (self.serviceName), "error") return False
[docs] def readMediaFiles(self, dirPath="",baseName=""): '''Cycle through our media support directory and find related media files''' if not dirPath: dirPath = os.path.join(self.supportPath,"media") if not os.path.isdir(dirPath): self.logger("readMediaFiles() Directory does not exist:'%s'" % dirPath, "error") return False if not baseName: baseName = self.fileBaseName if not baseName: self.logger("readMediaFiles() Directory does not exist:'%s'" % dirPath, "error") return False ## Search in the base directory for our assets. If none are found, look ## recursively. if self.multipleBitRate: self.logger("Multiple bitrate specified, searching sub directories", "detailed") for theFolderName in (os.listdir(dirPath)): if theFolderName == "thumbs": continue theFolderPath = os.path.join(dirPath, theFolderName) if os.path.isdir(theFolderPath): self.logger(" searching directory: %s" % theFolderPath, "debug") ## Folder will be named after the bitrate for theFilePath in glob.glob(os.path.join(theFolderPath, "%s*.mov" % baseName)): self.files[theFilePath] = MediaFile(theFilePath) theFile = self.files[theFilePath] ## set a static dimensions, this works in this particular instance ## may need refactoring if upload service allows varying sizes ## easiest way to accomplish this will probably be with additional folders ## as Python doesn't seem to have a good built-in media module, we'd need to ## use an external module (which we're trynig to avoid) theFile.bcType = "VIDEO_FULL" ## Folder will be named after the bitrate, if it's ## numeric, use it's value. if re.match('^\d+$', theFolderName): theFile.bitRate = int(theFolderName) theFile.frameWidth = int(self.frameWidth) theFile.frameHeight = int(self.frameHeight) theFile.refID = "%skbps_%s" % ( theFile.bitRate, theFile.refID) theFile.uploadFileName = "%skbps_%s" % ( theFile.bitRate, theFile.fileName) self.logger("readMediaFiles() adding file found at '%s' with bitrate: '%s'" % (theFilePath, theFile.bitRate)) elif re.match('^\d+\..*', theFolderName): reObj ='(^\d+)(\..*)$', theFolderName) bitRate = int( resolutionPercentage = float( theFile.frameWidth = int(int(self.frameWidth) * resolutionPercentage) theFile.frameHeight = int(int(self.frameHeight) * resolutionPercentage) theFile.bitRate = int(bitRate) theFile.refID = "%skbps_%s" % ( theFile.bitRate, theFile.refID) theFile.uploadFileName = "%skbps_%s" % ( theFile.bitRate, theFile.fileName) self.logger("readMediaFiles() adding file found at '%s' with resolution modifier of: '%s' with bitrate: '%s'" % (theFilePath, resolutionPercentage,theFile.bitRate)) else: for theFilePath in glob.glob( os.path.join(dirPath, "" % baseName)): self.logger("readMediaFiles() adding file found at '%s'" % theFilePath) self.files[theFilePath] = MediaFile(theFilePath) theFile = self.files[theFilePath] theFile.title = self.title theFile.bcType = "VIDEO_FULL" ## set a static dimensions, this works in this particular instance ## may need refactoring if upload service allows varying sizes theFile.frameWidth = int(self.frameWidth) theFile.frameHeight = int(self.frameHeight) ## Try to grab our thumbnail thumbPath = "" if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirPath,"thumbs")): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirPath,"thumbs", "%s.jpg" % baseName)): thumbPath = os.path.join(dirPath,"thumbs", "%s.jpg" % baseName) else: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirPath, "%s.jpg" % baseName)): thumbPath = os.path.join(dirPath, "%s.jpg" % baseName) if thumbPath: self.logger("readMediaFiles() adding file found at '%s'" % thumbPath) self.files[thumbPath] = MediaFile(thumbPath) thumbFile = self.files[thumbPath] thumbFile.fileType = "image" thumbFile.frameWidth = int(self.frameWidth) thumbFile.frameHeight = int(self.frameHeight) thumbFile.refID = "thumb_%s" % thumbFile.refID thumbFile.bcType = "THUMBNAIL" thumbFile.uploadFileName = "thumb_%s" % thumbFile.fileName ## Try to grab our vid. still stillPath = "" if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirPath,"stills")): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirPath,"stills", "%s.jpg" % baseName)): stillPath = os.path.join(dirPath,"stills", "%s.jpg" % baseName) else: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirPath, "%s.jpg" % baseName)): stillPath = os.path.join(dirPath, "%s.jpg" % baseName) if stillPath: self.logger("readMediaFiles() adding file found at '%s'" % stillPath) self.files[stillPath] = MediaFile(stillPath) stillFile = self.files[stillPath] stillFile.fileType = "image" stillFile.frameWidth = int(self.frameWidth) stillFile.frameHeight = int(self.frameHeight) stillFile.refID = "still_%s" % stillFile.refID stillFile.bcType = "VIDEO_STILL" stillFile.uploadFileName = "still_%s" % stillFile.fileName
[docs] def xmlOut(self, filePath=""): '''Output our BrightCove compliant XML, if we are passed a filePath, we output to it. ''' ## Sanity checks and variable initialization theThumbFile = "" theStillFile = "" theVideoFullFile = "" if not os.path.isdir(self.fcsXMLOutDir): self.logger("fcsXMLOutDir: '%s' does not exist!" % self.fcsXMLOutDir, "error") return False if not len(self.files) > 0: self.readMediaFiles() if not len(self.files) > 0: self.logger("No media files were found to upload!", "error") return False if not self.approver: self.logger("No Approver specified!", "error") return False if not self.description: self.logger("No Description Provided!", "error") return False if not self.publisherID: self.logger("No PublisherID specified!", "error") return False if not self.emailToNotify: self.logger("No notification email address specified!", "error") return False if not self.title: self.logger("No title specified!", "error") return False if (filePath and (not os.path.exists(filePath) \ or (os.path.exists(filePath) and self.overwriteExistingFiles)) and os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(filePath))) \ or not filePath : ## create our new xml doc, add our root FCS elements: ## <?xml version="1.0"?> ## <publisher-upload-manifest publisher-id=\"$PUBLISHER_ID\" preparer=\"$PREPARER\"> ## <notify email=\"$EMAIL_TO_NOTIFY\" /> self.xmlObject = minidom.Document() xmlDoc = self.xmlObject manifestElement = xmlDoc.createElement("publisher-upload-manifest") xmlDoc.appendChild(manifestElement) manifestElement.setAttribute("publisher-id", self.publisherID) manifestElement.setAttribute("preparer", self.approver) manifestElement.setAttribute("report-success", "true") notifyElement = xmlDoc.createElement("notify") notifyElement.setAttribute("email", self.emailToNotify) manifestElement.appendChild(notifyElement) renditionReferences = []; ## And then our individual fields. for file in self.files.itervalues(): if file.fileType == "video": theAssetElement = xmlDoc.createElement("asset") theAssetElement.setAttribute("type","%s" % file.bcType) if file.bcType == "VIDEO_FULL" and not self.multipleBitRate: theVideoFullFile = file theAssetElement.setAttribute("hash-code", "%s" % file.checksum) theAssetElement.setAttribute("size", "%d" % file.size) if self.multipleBitRate: theAssetElement.setAttribute("frame-width", "%d" % file.frameWidth) theAssetElement.setAttribute("frame-height", "%d" % file.frameHeight) theAssetElement.setAttribute("h264-no-processing","true") if file.bitRate: theAssetElement.setAttribute("encoding-rate", "%d000" % file.bitRate) else: theAssetElement.setAttribute("encode-to","MP4") theAssetElement.setAttribute("encode-multiple","true") if file.uploadFileName: theAssetElement.setAttribute("filename", "%s" % file.uploadFileName) else: theAssetElement.setAttribute("filename", "%s" % file.fileName) theAssetElement.setAttribute("refid","%s" % file.refID) if self.multipleBitRate: renditionReferences.append("%s" % file.refID) ## Append our field element to our "params" element i.e. ## <asset refid="FMX_Open_Full_4Mbps_24i" type="FLV_FULL" \ ## hash-code="f0e24166abdf5e542c3c6427738bba8f" size="38218785"\ ## filename="FMX_Open_Full_4Mbps_24i.mp4" encoding-rate="3700670"\ ## frame-width="640" frame-height="480"/> elif file.fileType == "image": if file.bcType == "THUMBNAIL": ## Generate our thumbnail theThumbFile = file elif file.bcType == "VIDEO_STILL": ## Generate our video still theStillFile = file theAssetElement = xmlDoc.createElement("asset") theAssetElement.setAttribute("refid","%s" % file.refID) theAssetElement.setAttribute("filename","%s" % file.uploadFileName) theAssetElement.setAttribute("type","%s" % file.bcType) theAssetElement.setAttribute("hash-code","%s" % file.checksum) theAssetElement.setAttribute("size", "%d" % file.size) theAssetElement.setAttribute("frame-width", "%d" % file.frameWidth) theAssetElement.setAttribute("frame-height", "%d" % file.frameHeight) else: self.logger("Unknown media type: '%s' for file: '%s'" % (file.fileType, file.path)) return False; manifestElement.appendChild(theAssetElement) del theAssetElement ## Append our title element titleElement = xmlDoc.createElement("title") titleElement.setAttribute("name", "%s" % self.title) titleElement.setAttribute("refid", "%s_title" % self.refID) titleElement.setAttribute("active", "true") if theThumbFile: titleElement.setAttribute("thumbnail-refid", "%s" % theThumbFile.refID) if theStillFile: titleElement.setAttribute("video-still-refid", "%s" % theStillFile.refID) if theVideoFullFile: titleElement.setAttribute("video-full-refid","%s" % theVideoFullFile.refID) manifestElement.appendChild(titleElement) descElement = xmlDoc.createElement("short-description") if self.description: theValueNode = xmlDoc.createTextNode("%s" % self.description) else: theValueNode = xmlDoc.createTextNode(" ") descElement.appendChild(theValueNode) titleElement.appendChild(descElement) if self.longDescription: ldescElement = xmlDoc.createElement("long-description") theValueNode = xmlDoc.createTextNode("%s" % self.longDescription) ldescElement.appendChild(theValueNode) titleElement.appendChild(ldescElement) if self.keywordString: for tag in self.keywordString.split(","): tagElement = xmlDoc.createElement("tag") theValueNode = xmlDoc.createTextNode("%s" % tag) tagElement.appendChild(theValueNode) titleElement.appendChild(tagElement) for item in renditionReferences[:]: renditionRefElement = xmlDoc.createElement("rendition-refid") theValueNode = xmlDoc.createTextNode(item) renditionRefElement.appendChild(theValueNode) titleElement.appendChild(renditionRefElement) del renditionRefElement if filePath: theFile = open(filePath, "w") xmlDoc.writexml(theFile) theFile.close() else: print xmlDoc.toprettyxml() elif os.path.exists(filePath) and not self.overwriteExistingFiles: self.logger("File already exists at path: %s, exiting!" % filePath, "error") return False elif not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filePath)): self.logger("Directory does not exist at path: %s, exiting!" % os.path.dirname(filePath), "error") return false else: self.logger("Uncaught Exception: Error writing XML", "error") return False xmlDoc.unlink() return True